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Meeting 2020 10 23

Chenghao edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 6 revisions


  • Check service --status-all every time you restart the server or reboot the system

  • Choosing one of the following ways to have "Internet" after connect with PPTP

    • Network and Internel settings -> Change adapter options -> select your vpn connection -> Prperties -> Networking tab -> select IP V4 -> Properties -> Advanced -> uncheck Use default gateway on remote network
    • Or type following command in PowerShell:
      Set-VpnConnection -Name "YOURVPN" -SplitTunneling $True -PassThru 
    • Helpful link: windows-10-pptp-vpn-no-internet
  • Helpful link check IP address:

  • Check user who connects to our server(Log File)

    # Contains currently logged in users.
    utmpdump /var/run/utmp
    # Contains all current and past logins and additional information about system reboots, etc.
    utmpdump /var/log/wtmp
    # Contains all bad login attempts.
    utmpdump /var/log/btmp
  • Problem 1: Linksys router still cannot connect to both digital ocean and AWS instance.

  • Problem 2: Android phone cannot connect through PPTP.

Meeting Summary

  • Agenda 2 did not solve the problem, the client just connect to the server but no data transfer, client still using its own router to transfer packets

Next Step

  • Set up a local environment to see if all data go through the Linux server.
	  /        \
         /          \
Linux server	    Windows machine
[PPTP]              [Go to some webpage]
[run TCPdump]
  • Check "ExpressVPN" L2TP connection function