The goal of this project is to deliver insights based on consumption data from consumers. The project took place at the Belgian edition of Open Summer of Code 2019 and the data is provided by Engie.
Before starting the project run:
npm install
To start the project run:
npm start
This will start the API using nodemon. Using nodemon your process will automatically restart when your code changes.
The API will start at http://localhost:9000/.
If you want to use docker for your PostgreSQL database, follow the instructions in the README of the docker/
http://localhost:9000/api/ : GET - To check if the API is working.
http://localhost:9000/api/test : GET - Test route for displaying JSON data from the test table.
http://localhost:9000/api/test : PUSH - route for adding test data using params for example: http://localhost:9000/api/add?testid=1&texttest=this is a test
http://localhost:9000/api/allaverages : GET - To get averages for electricity, water, gas, room temperature, daily solar production and daily electricity injection
http://localhost:9000/api/solar/daily : GET - To get the comparison of electricity consumption of users with and without solar panels by day
http://localhost:9000/api/solar/weekly : GET - To get the comparison of electricity consumption of users with and without solar panels by week
http://localhost:9000/api/solar/monthly : GET - To get the comparison of electricity consumption of users with and without solar panels by month
http://localhost:9000/api/solar/solarzip : GET - To get the comparison of electricity consumption of users with and without solar panels by day
http://localhost:9000/api/solarzip/:id : GET - To get the average solar production (by day) of a certain area (zipcode) or the closest area in case no values are available
Here is a description of all SQL queries that are implemented in files of the queries/
funfact.js :
Returns the average room temperature from the room temperature table (ordered by day) -
Returns the average yearly gas consumption from the gas_cons_day table (ordered by day) -
Returns the average yearly water consumption from the water_cons_day table (ordered by day) -
Returns the average yearly electric consumption from the elec_cons_day table (ordered by day) -
Returns the average yearly electric injection from the elec_inje_day table (ordered by day) -
Returns the average yearly gas consumption from the solar_prod_day table (ordered by day)
solar.js :
Returns the average monthly electric consumption of customers having solar panels. -
Returns the average monthly electric consumption of customers that don't have solar panels. -
Returns the average weekly electric consumption of customers having solar panels. -
Returns the average weekly electric consumption of customers that don't have solar panels. -
Returns the average daily electric consumption of customers having solar panels. -
Returns the average daily electric consumption of customers that don't have solar panels.