- 👋 Hi, I’m @oalabaz
- 👀 I’m interested in App Development & Design
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Web 3.0 Solidity
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSourece web 3.0 projects
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Full Stack Developer with 29 years of experience in all aspects of software development, from design to deployment. Expertise in front-end & back-end development for web & mobile applications. Proven understanding of clean code, full-stack development & testing. Passionate about creating high-quality, user-friendly applications that are scalable & secure.
‘Mostly’ Full Stack Developer / Team Manager / Agile Prototyping Developed & maintained complex web applications with responsive, SEO-optimized, user-friendly front-end & back-end features. Designed, developed & maintained a large-scale web application using Node.js, Express & React. Analyzed improved product roadmap, key performance indicators & competitive benchmarks through the creation of an enterprise-ready CRM platform.
AA, Orange Coast College • Irvine, CA • (+2Yr) // Bachelor of Information Technologies, UCLA • Los Angeles, CA • 2000 (+1Yr dropout)
#JS #WEB3.js #Next #React {#web + #native} #Node/Express #JSX #HTML #CSS #JSON #Redis #Socket.io
"Seeking a role as a Dev Team Manager."
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