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PR welcome message #508

PR welcome message

PR welcome message #508

Workflow file for this run

# In this workflow there should NOT be checkout action - because of security reasons.
# More info:
name: PR welcome message
types: opened
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Create comment
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v4
issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
body: |
## **Thank you for contributing to the Leapp project!**
Please note that every PR needs to comply with the [Leapp Guidelines]( and must pass all tests in order to be mergeable.
If you want to request a review or rebuild a package in copr, you can use following commands as a comment:
- **review please @oamg/developers** to notify leapp developers of the review request
- **/packit copr-build** to submit a public copr build using packit
Packit will automatically schedule regression tests for this PR's build and latest upstream leapp build. If you need a different version of leapp, e.g. from PR#42, use `/packit test oamg/leapp#42`
Note that first time contributors cannot run tests automatically - they will be started by a reviewer.
It is possible to schedule specific on-demand tests as well. Currently 2 test sets are supported, `beaker-minimal` and `kernel-rt`, both can be used to be run on all upgrade paths or just a couple of specific ones.
To launch on-demand tests with packit:
- **/packit test --labels kernel-rt** to schedule `kernel-rt` tests set for all upgrade paths
- **/packit test --labels beaker-minimal-8.10to9.4,kernel-rt-8.10to9.4** to schedule `kernel-rt` and `beaker-minimal` test sets for 8.10->9.4 upgrade path
See other labels for particular jobs defined in the `.packit.yaml` file.
Please [open ticket]( in case you experience technical problem with the CI. (RH internal only)
**Note:** In case there are problems with tests not being triggered automatically on new PR/commit or pending for a long time, please contact leapp-infra.