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Updating a Connection Type Configuration

obs-gh-alexlew edited this page Jul 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Due to some outstanding tech debt, its actually quite painful to modify the schema for a given Connection Type in the top level observe-agent.yaml. This document lists out the various steps that are all required when modifying the schema.

Adding to the default observe-agent.yaml for each target OS

When installing the observe-agent the installer will grab the default config and put it in the right place on the target machine. If you're adding a new config field you'll need to add new default values for the fields in these default config files.



Adding to the init-config command + template

When running init-config the command will read out any existing values in the currently present config that is listed in the typing and schema and override them with any flags before inserting them into the template. All 3 of these components need to be updated with any new fields that need to be configurable through init-config (which is used by the integration tests and to generate the default config in various instructions). You also need to register the new config as a flag for the CLI to read in.


struct type

command flags
