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SGrondin committed Aug 10, 2023
1 parent bb47407 commit 9706699
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Showing 5 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib_eio/
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Semaphore = Semaphore
module Mutex = Eio_mutex
module Condition = Condition
module Stream = Stream
module Workpool = Workpool
module Exn = Exn
module Resource = Resource
module Flow = Flow
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio/eio.mli
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ module Stream = Stream
(** Cancelling fibers. *)
module Cancel = Eio__core.Cancel

(** A high-level domain workpool *)
module Workpool = Workpool

(** Commonly used standard features. This module is intended to be [open]ed. *)
module Std = Std

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146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio/
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@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
type job = Pack : (unit -> 'a) * ('a, exn) Result.t Promise.u -> job

type action =
| Process of job
| Quit of {
atomic: int Atomic.t;
target: int;
all_done: unit Promise.u;

(* Worker: 1 domain/thread
m jobs per worker, n domains per workpool *)

type t = {
(* The work queue *)
stream: action Stream.t;
(* Number of domains. Depending on settings, domains may run more than 1 job at a time. *)
domain_count: int;
(* True when [Workpool.terminate] has been called. *)
is_terminating: bool Atomic.t;
(* Resolved when the workpool begins terminating. *)
terminating: action Promise.t * action Promise.u;
(* Resolved when the workpool has terminated. *)
terminated: unit Promise.t * unit Promise.u;

let reject (Pack (_, w)) = Promise.resolve_error w (Failure "Workpool.terminate called")

(* This function is the core of
Each worker recursively calls [loop ()] until the [terminating]
promise is resolved. Workers pull one job at a time from the Stream. *)
let start_worker ~sw ~limit ~terminating stream =
let capacity = ref limit in
let condition = Condition.create () in
let run_job job w =
Fiber.fork ~sw (fun () ->
decr capacity;
Promise.resolve w
(try Ok (job ()) with
| exn -> Error exn);
incr capacity;
Condition.broadcast condition )
(* The main worker loop. *)
let rec loop () =
let actions = Fiber.n_any [ (fun () -> Promise.await terminating); (fun () -> Stream.take stream) ] in
match actions with
| [ Process (Pack (job, w)) ] ->
(* We start the job right away. This also gives a chance to other domains
to start waiting on the Stream before the current thread blocks on [Stream.take] again. *)
run_job job w;
while !capacity = 0 do
Condition.await_no_mutex condition
(loop [@tailcall]) ()
| Quit { atomic; target; all_done } :: maybe_job ->
| Process job -> reject job
| _ -> assert false)
(* Wait until the completion of all of this worker's jobs. *)
while !capacity < limit do
Condition.await_no_mutex condition
(* If we're the last worker terminating, resolve the promise. *)
if Atomic.fetch_and_add atomic 1 = target then Promise.resolve all_done ()
| _ -> assert false
loop ()

(* Start a new domain. The worker will need a switch, then we start the worker. *)
let start_domain ~sw ~domain_mgr ~limit ~terminating ~transient stream =
let go () = domain_mgr (fun () -> @@ fun sw -> start_worker ~sw ~limit ~terminating stream )
(* [transient] workpools run as daemons to not hold the user's switch from completing.
It's up to the user to hold the switch open (and thus, the workpool)
by blocking on the jobs issued to the workpool.
[] and [Workpool.run_exn] will block so this shouldn't be a problem.
Still, the user can call [Workpool.create] with [~transient:false] to
disable this behavior, in which case the user must call [Workpool.terminate]
to release the switch. *)
match transient with
| false -> Fiber.fork ~sw go
| true ->
Fiber.fork_daemon ~sw (fun () ->
go ();
`Stop_daemon )

let create ~sw ~domain_count ~domain_concurrency ?(capacity = 0) ?(transient = true) domain_mgr =
if capacity < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "Workpool capacity < 0");
let stream = Stream.create capacity in
let instance =
is_terminating = Atomic.make false;
terminating = Promise.create ();
terminated = Promise.create ();
let terminating = fst instance.terminating in
for _ = 1 to domain_count do
start_domain ~sw ~domain_mgr ~limit:domain_concurrency ~terminating ~transient stream

let run_promise ~sw { stream; _ } f =
let p, w = Promise.create () in
Fiber.fork_promise ~sw (fun () ->
Stream.add stream (Process (Pack (f, w)));
Promise.await_exn p )

let run { stream; _ } f =
let p, w = Promise.create () in
Stream.add stream (Process (Pack (f, w)));
Promise.await p

let run_exn instance f =
match run instance f with
| Ok x -> x
| Error exn -> raise exn

let terminate ~sw ({ terminating = _, w1; terminated = p2, w2; _ } as instance) =
if Atomic.compare_and_set instance.is_terminating false true
then (
(* Instruct workers to shutdown *)
Promise.resolve w1 (Quit { atomic = Atomic.make 1; target = instance.domain_count; all_done = w2 });
(* Reject all present and future queued jobs *)
Fiber.fork_daemon ~sw (fun () ->
while true do
match Stream.take with
| Process job -> reject job
| _ -> assert false
`Stop_daemon );
(* Wait for all workers to have shutdown *)
Promise.await p2 )
else (* [Workpool.terminate] was called more than once. *)
Promise.await p2

let is_terminating { terminating = p, _; _ } = Promise.is_resolved p

let is_terminated { terminated = p, _; _ } = Promise.is_resolved p
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio/workpool.mli
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type t

(** Creates a new workpool with [domain_count].
[domain_concurrency] is the maximum number of jobs that each domain can run at a time.
[capacity] (default: 0) is identical to the [Eio.Stream.create] capacity parameter.
[transient] (default: true). When true, the workpool will not block the [~sw] Switch from completing.
When false, you must call [terminate] to release the [~sw] Switch. *)
val create :
sw:Switch.t ->
domain_count:int ->
domain_concurrency:int ->
?capacity:int ->
?transient:bool ->
#Domain_manager.t ->

(** Run a job on this workpool. It is placed at the end of the queue. *)
val run : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, exn) result

(** Same as [run] but raises if the job failed. *)
val run_exn : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

(** Same as [run] but returns immediately, without blocking. *)
val run_promise : sw:Switch.t -> t -> (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, exn) result Promise.t

(** Waits for all running jobs to complete, then returns.
No new jobs are started, even if they were already enqueued.
To abort all running jobs instead of waiting for them, call [] on the Switch used to create this workpool *)
val terminate : sw:Switch.t -> t -> unit

(** Returns true if the [terminate] function has been called on this workpool.
Also returns true if the workpool has fully terminated. *)
val is_terminating : t -> bool

(** Returns true if the [terminate] function has been called on this workpool AND
the workpool has fully terminated (all running jobs have completed). *)
val is_terminated : t -> bool

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