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add Sys.rename and refactor a bit
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jmid committed May 8, 2023
1 parent 92aa1de commit d480244
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 77 deletions.
167 changes: 90 additions & 77 deletions src/sys/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ struct
| File_exists of path
| Is_directory of path
| Remove of path * string
| Rename of path * path
| Mkdir of path * string
| Rmdir of path * string
| Readdir of path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ struct
map (fun path -> File_exists path) (path_gen s);
map (fun path -> Is_directory path) (path_gen s);
map (fun (path,new_dir_name) -> Remove (path, new_dir_name)) (pair_gen s);
map2 (fun old_path new_path -> Rename (old_path, new_path)) (path_gen s) (path_gen s);
map (fun (path,new_dir_name) -> Mkdir (path, new_dir_name)) (pair_gen s);
map (fun (path,delete_dir_name) -> Rmdir (path, delete_dir_name)) (pair_gen s);
map (fun path -> Readdir path) (path_gen s);
Expand All @@ -102,6 +104,35 @@ struct

let mem_model fs path = find_opt_model fs path <> None

let path_is_a_dir fs path =
match find_opt_model fs path with
| None
| Some File -> false
| Some (Directory _) -> true

let path_is_a_file fs path =
match find_opt_model fs path with
| None
| Some (Directory _) -> false
| Some File -> true

let rec path_prefixes path = match path with
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []
| n::ns -> [n]::( (fun p -> n::p) (path_prefixes ns))

let separate_path path =
match List.rev path with
| [] -> None
| name::rev_path -> Some (List.rev rev_path, name)

let rec is_true_prefix path1 path2 = match path1, path2 with
| [], [] -> false
| [], _::_ -> true
| _::_, [] -> false
| n1::p1, n2::p2 -> n1=n2 && is_true_prefix p1 p2

(* generic removal function *)
let rec remove_model fs path file_name =
match fs with
| File -> fs
Expand All @@ -110,46 +141,14 @@ struct
| [] ->
(match Map_names.find_opt file_name d.fs_map with
| None
| Some (Directory _) -> fs
| Some File -> Directory { fs_map = Map_names.remove file_name d.fs_map }
| Some _ -> Directory { fs_map = Map_names.remove file_name d.fs_map })
| dir::dirs ->
{ fs_map = Map_names.update dir (function
| None -> None
| Some File -> Some File
| Some (Directory _ as d') -> Some (remove_model d' dirs file_name)) d.fs_map
(match Map_names.find_opt dir d.fs_map with
| None
| Some File -> fs
| Some (Directory _ as d') ->
let fs' = remove_model d' dirs file_name in
Directory { fs_map = Map_names.update dir d.fs_map }

let rec mkdir_model fs path new_dir_name =
match fs with
| File -> fs
| Directory d ->
(match path with
| [] ->
let new_dir = Directory {fs_map = Map_names.empty} in
Directory {fs_map = Map_names.add new_dir_name new_dir d.fs_map}
| next_in_path :: tl_path ->
(match Map_names.find_opt next_in_path d.fs_map with
| None -> fs
| Some sub_fs ->
let nfs = mkdir_model sub_fs tl_path new_dir_name in
if nfs = sub_fs
then fs
let new_map = Map_names.remove next_in_path d.fs_map in
let new_map = Map_names.add next_in_path nfs new_map in
Directory {fs_map = new_map}))

let readdir_model fs path =
match find_opt_model fs path with
Expand All @@ -159,60 +158,70 @@ struct
| File -> None
| Directory d -> Some (Map_names.fold (fun k _ l -> k::l) d.fs_map []))

let rec rmdir_model fs path delete_dir_name =
(* generic insertion function *)
let rec insert_model fs path new_file_name sub_tree =
match fs with
| File -> fs
| Directory d ->
(match path with
| [] ->
(match Map_names.find_opt delete_dir_name d.fs_map with
| Some (Directory target) when Map_names.is_empty target.fs_map ->
Directory {fs_map = Map_names.remove delete_dir_name d.fs_map}
| None | Some File | Some (Directory _) -> fs)
Directory {fs_map = Map_names.add new_file_name sub_tree d.fs_map}
| next_in_path :: tl_path ->
(match Map_names.find_opt next_in_path d.fs_map with
| None -> fs
| Some sub_fs ->
let nfs = rmdir_model sub_fs tl_path delete_dir_name in
if nfs = sub_fs
then fs
else Directory {fs_map = (update_map_name d.fs_map next_in_path nfs)}))

let rec mkfile_model fs path new_file_name =
match fs with
| File -> fs
| Directory d ->
(match path with
| [] ->
let new_file = File in
Directory {fs_map = Map_names.add new_file_name new_file d.fs_map}
| next_in_path :: tl_path ->
(match Map_names.find_opt next_in_path d.fs_map with
| None -> fs
| Some sub_fs ->
let nfs = mkfile_model sub_fs tl_path new_file_name in
let nfs = insert_model sub_fs tl_path new_file_name sub_tree in
if nfs = sub_fs
then fs
else Directory {fs_map = update_map_name d.fs_map next_in_path nfs}))

let rename_model fs old_path new_path =
match separate_path old_path, separate_path new_path with
| None, _
| _, None -> fs
| Some (old_path_pref, old_name), Some (new_path_pref, new_name) ->
(match find_opt_model fs new_path_pref with
| None
| Some File -> fs
| Some (Directory _) ->
(match find_opt_model fs old_path with
| None -> fs
| Some sub_fs ->
let fs' = remove_model fs old_path_pref old_name in
insert_model fs' new_path_pref new_name sub_fs))

let next_state c fs =
match c with
| File_exists _path -> fs
| Mkdir (path, new_dir_name) ->
if mem_model fs (path @ [new_dir_name])
then fs
else mkdir_model fs path new_dir_name
| Remove (path, file_name) -> remove_model fs path file_name
else insert_model fs path new_dir_name (Directory {fs_map = Map_names.empty})
| Remove (path, file_name) ->
if find_opt_model fs (path @ [file_name]) = Some File
then remove_model fs path file_name
else fs
| Rename (old_path, new_path) ->
if is_true_prefix old_path new_path
then fs
(match find_opt_model fs old_path with
| None -> fs
| Some File ->
if (not (mem_model fs new_path) || path_is_a_file fs new_path) then rename_model fs old_path new_path else fs
| Some (Directory _) ->
if (not (mem_model fs new_path) || readdir_model fs new_path = Some []) then rename_model fs old_path new_path else fs)
| Is_directory _path -> fs
| Rmdir (path,delete_dir_name) ->
if mem_model fs (path @ [delete_dir_name])
then rmdir_model fs path delete_dir_name
let complete_path = path @ [delete_dir_name] in
if mem_model fs complete_path && readdir_model fs complete_path = Some []
then remove_model fs path delete_dir_name
else fs
| Readdir _path -> fs
| Mkfile (path, new_file_name) ->
if mem_model fs (path @ [new_file_name])
then fs
else mkfile_model fs path new_file_name
else insert_model fs path new_file_name File

let init_sut () =
try Sys.mkdir sandbox_root 0o700
Expand All @@ -238,6 +247,7 @@ struct
| File_exists path -> Res (bool, Sys.file_exists (p path))
| Is_directory path -> Res (result bool exn, protect Sys.is_directory (p path))
| Remove (path, file_name) -> Res (result unit exn, protect Sys.remove ((p path) / file_name))
| Rename (old_path, new_path) -> Res (result unit exn, protect (Sys.rename (p old_path)) (p new_path))
| Mkdir (path, new_dir_name) ->
Res (result unit exn, protect (Sys.mkdir ((p path) / new_dir_name)) 0o755)
| Rmdir (path, delete_dir_name) ->
Expand All @@ -247,18 +257,6 @@ struct
| Mkfile (path, new_file_name) ->
Res (result unit exn, protect mkfile (p path / new_file_name))

let fs_is_a_dir fs = match fs with | Directory _ -> true | File -> false

let path_is_a_dir fs path =
match find_opt_model fs path with
| None -> false
| Some target_fs -> fs_is_a_dir target_fs

let rec path_prefixes path = match path with
| [] -> []
| [_] -> []
| n::ns -> [n]::( (fun p -> n::p) (path_prefixes ns))

let postcond c (fs: filesys) res =
match c, res with
| File_exists path, Res ((Bool,_),b) -> b = mem_model fs path
Expand All @@ -270,19 +268,34 @@ struct
| Some File -> b = false
| None -> false)
| Error (Sys_error s) ->
(s = (p path) ^ ": No such file or directory" && find_opt_model fs path = None) ||
(s = p path ^ ": Not a directory" && List.exists (fun pref -> Some File = find_opt_model fs pref) (path_prefixes path))
(s = (p path) ^ ": No such file or directory" && not (mem_model fs path)) ||
(s = p path ^ ": Not a directory" && List.exists (fun pref -> not (path_is_a_dir fs pref)) (path_prefixes path))
| _ -> false)
| Remove (path, file_name), Res ((Result (Unit,Exn),_), res) ->
let complete_path = (path @ [file_name]) in
(match res with
| Ok () -> mem_model fs complete_path && path_is_a_dir fs path && not (path_is_a_dir fs complete_path)
| Error (Sys_error s) ->
(s = (p complete_path) ^ ": No such file or directory" && find_opt_model fs complete_path = None) ||
(s = (p complete_path) ^ ": No such file or directory" && not (mem_model fs complete_path)) ||
(s = (p complete_path) ^ ": Is a directory" && path_is_a_dir fs complete_path) ||
(s = (p complete_path) ^ ": Not a directory" && not (path_is_a_dir fs path))
| Error _ -> false
| Rename (old_path, new_path), Res ((Result (Unit,Exn),_), res) ->
(match res with
| Ok () -> mem_model fs old_path
| Error (Sys_error s) ->
(s = "No such file or directory" &&
not (mem_model fs old_path) || List.exists (fun pref -> not (path_is_a_dir fs pref)) (path_prefixes new_path)) ||
(s = "Invalid argument" && is_true_prefix old_path new_path) ||
(s = "Not a directory" &&
List.exists (path_is_a_file fs) (path_prefixes old_path) ||
List.exists (path_is_a_file fs) (path_prefixes new_path) ||
path_is_a_dir fs old_path && mem_model fs new_path && not (path_is_a_dir fs new_path)) ||
(s = "Is a directory" && path_is_a_dir fs new_path) ||
(s = "Directory not empty" &&
is_true_prefix new_path old_path || (path_is_a_dir fs new_path && not (readdir_model fs new_path = Some [])))
| Error _ -> false)
| Mkdir (path, new_dir_name), Res ((Result (Unit,Exn),_), res) ->
let complete_path = (path @ [new_dir_name]) in
(match res with
Expand Down

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