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Add ways to configure whether attributes are shown by Pp_ast
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Signed-off-by: Nathan Rebours <[email protected]>
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NathanReb committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 5e37c53 commit 5762bc1
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Showing 5 changed files with 225 additions and 31 deletions.
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ let load_input ~kind ~input_name fn =
| Intf sig_ -> Ast.Sig sig_))
| Expression | Pattern | Core_type -> parse_node ~kind ~input_name fn

let pp_ast ast =
let pp_ast ~config ast =
match (ast : Ast.t) with
| Str str -> Pp_ast.structure Format.std_formatter str
| Sig sig_ -> Pp_ast.signature Format.std_formatter sig_
| Exp exp -> Pp_ast.expression Format.std_formatter exp
| Pat pat -> Pp_ast.pattern Format.std_formatter pat
| Typ typ -> Pp_ast.core_type Format.std_formatter typ
| Str str -> Pp_ast.structure ~config Format.std_formatter str
| Sig sig_ -> Pp_ast.signature ~config Format.std_formatter sig_
| Exp exp -> Pp_ast.expression ~config Format.std_formatter exp
| Pat pat -> Pp_ast.pattern ~config Format.std_formatter pat
| Typ typ -> Pp_ast.core_type ~config Format.std_formatter typ

let input = ref None
let kind = ref None
let show_attrs = ref false

let set_input fn =
match !input with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ let args =
( "--typ",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Core_type),
"<file> Treat the input as a single OCaml core_type" );
( "--show-attrs",
Arg.Set show_attrs,
"Show attributes in the pretty printed output" );

let main () =
Expand All @@ -111,7 +115,8 @@ let main () =
let input_name = match fn with "-" -> "<stdin>" | _ -> fn in
let ast = load_input ~kind ~input_name fn in
pp_ast ast;
let config = Pp_ast.Config.make ~show_attrs:!show_attrs () in
pp_ast ~config ast;
Format.printf "%!\n"

let () = main ()
128 changes: 109 additions & 19 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
open Import

module Config = struct
type t = { show_attrs : bool }

module Default = struct
let show_attrs = false

let default = { show_attrs = Default.show_attrs }
let make ?(show_attrs = Default.show_attrs) () = { show_attrs }

type simple_val =
| Unit
| Int of int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +69,10 @@ and pp_field fmt (fname, simple_val) =

class lift_simple_val =
object (self)
inherit [simple_val] Ast_traverse.lift
inherit [simple_val] Ast_traverse.lift as super
val mutable config = Config.default
method set_config new_config = config <- new_config
method get_config () = config
method unit () = Unit
method int i = Int i
method string s = String s
Expand All @@ -80,21 +94,83 @@ class lift_simple_val =
method! location _loc = Special "__loc"
method! location_stack _ls = Special "__lstack"
method! position _p = Special "__pos"
method! attributes _a = Special "__attrs"
method! loc lift_a a_loc = lift_a a_loc.txt
method! core_type ct = self#core_type_desc ct.ptyp_desc
method! row_field rf = self#row_field_desc rf.prf_desc
method! object_field obf = self#object_field_desc obf.pof_desc
method! pattern pat = self#pattern_desc pat.ppat_desc
method! expression exp = self#expression_desc exp.pexp_desc
method! class_type cty = self#class_type_desc cty.pcty_desc
method! class_type_field ctf = self#class_type_field_desc ctf.pctf_desc
method! class_expr cl = self#class_expr_desc cl.pcl_desc
method! class_field cf = self#class_field_desc cf.pcf_desc
method! module_type mty = self#module_type_desc mty.pmty_desc
method! signature_item sigi = self#signature_item_desc sigi.psig_desc
method! module_expr mod_ = self#module_expr_desc mod_.pmod_desc

method! attributes attrs =
match config.Config.show_attrs with
| false -> Special "__attrs"
| true -> super#attributes attrs

method lift_record_with_desc
: 'record 'desc.
lift_desc:('desc -> simple_val) ->
lift_record:('record -> simple_val) ->
desc:'desc ->
attrs:attributes ->
'record ->
simple_val =
fun ~lift_desc ~lift_record ~desc ~attrs x ->
match (config.show_attrs, attrs) with
| true, [] | false, _ -> lift_desc desc
| true, _ -> lift_record x

method! core_type ct =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#core_type_desc
~lift_record:super#core_type ~desc:ct.ptyp_desc
~attrs:ct.ptyp_attributes ct

method! row_field rf =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#row_field_desc
~lift_record:super#row_field ~desc:rf.prf_desc ~attrs:rf.prf_attributes

method! object_field obf =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#object_field_desc
~lift_record:super#object_field ~desc:obf.pof_desc
~attrs:obf.pof_attributes obf

method! pattern pat =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#pattern_desc
~lift_record:super#pattern ~desc:pat.ppat_desc
~attrs:pat.ppat_attributes pat

method! expression exp =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#expression_desc
~lift_record:super#expression ~desc:exp.pexp_desc
~attrs:exp.pexp_attributes exp

method! class_type cty =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#class_type_desc
~lift_record:super#class_type ~desc:cty.pcty_desc
~attrs:cty.pcty_attributes cty

method! class_type_field ctf =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#class_type_field_desc
~lift_record:super#class_type_field ~desc:ctf.pctf_desc
~attrs:ctf.pctf_attributes ctf

method! class_expr cl =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#class_expr_desc
~lift_record:super#class_expr ~desc:cl.pcl_desc ~attrs:cl.pcl_attributes

method! class_field cf =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#class_field_desc
~lift_record:super#class_field ~desc:cf.pcf_desc
~attrs:cf.pcf_attributes cf

method! module_type mty =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#module_type_desc
~lift_record:super#module_type ~desc:mty.pmty_desc
~attrs:mty.pmty_attributes mty

method! module_expr mod_ =
self#lift_record_with_desc ~lift_desc:self#module_expr_desc
~lift_record:super#module_expr ~desc:mod_.pmod_desc
~attrs:mod_.pmod_attributes mod_

method! structure_item stri = self#structure_item_desc stri.pstr_desc
method! signature_item sigi = self#signature_item_desc sigi.psig_desc

method! directive_argument dira =
self#directive_argument_desc dira.pdira_desc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,8 +223,22 @@ class lift_simple_val =

let lift_simple_val = new lift_simple_val
let structure fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#structure str)
let signature fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#signature str)
let expression fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#expression str)
let pattern fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#pattern str)
let core_type fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#core_type str)

type 'node pp = ?config:Config.t -> Format.formatter -> 'node -> unit

let with_config ~config ~f =
let old_config = lift_simple_val#get_config () in
lift_simple_val#set_config config;
let res = f () in
lift_simple_val#set_config old_config;

let pp_with_config (type a) (lifter : a -> simple_val)
?(config = Config.default) fmt (x : a) =
with_config ~config ~f:(fun () -> pp_simple_val fmt (lifter x))

let structure = pp_with_config lift_simple_val#structure
let signature = pp_with_config lift_simple_val#signature
let expression = pp_with_config lift_simple_val#expression
let pattern = pp_with_config lift_simple_val#pattern
let core_type = pp_with_config lift_simple_val#core_type
30 changes: 25 additions & 5 deletions src/pp_ast.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,27 @@
open! Import

val structure : Format.formatter -> structure -> unit
val signature : Format.formatter -> signature -> unit
val expression : Format.formatter -> expression -> unit
val pattern : Format.formatter -> pattern -> unit
val core_type : Format.formatter -> core_type -> unit
module Config : sig
type t
(** Type for AST pretty-printing config *)

val make : ?show_attrs:bool -> unit -> t
(** Create a custom pretty-printing config.
Default values are the ones that are used when no configuration is passed
to the pretty-printers defined below.
@param show_attrs
controls whether attributes are shown or hidden. It defaults to [false].
When set to [true], records such as [expression] that have a [desc]
field will only be printed if the list of attributes is non-empty,
otherwise their [_desc] field will be printed directly instead, as it is
the case when [show_attrs] is [false]. *)

type 'node pp = ?config:Config.t -> Format.formatter -> 'node -> unit

val structure : structure pp
val signature : signature pp
val expression : expression pp
val pattern : pattern pp
val core_type : core_type pp
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/ppxlib-pp-ast/show-attrs/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(package ppxlib)))
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions test/ppxlib-pp-ast/show-attrs/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
ppxlib-pp-ast as a --show-attrs flag that controls whether attributes are shown

Consider the following .ml file:

$ cat > << EOF
> let x = 2 + (2[@foo 1])
> [@@bar: int * string]

And how it's printed without the flag:

$ ppxlib-pp-ast
[ Pstr_value
( Nonrecursive
, [ { pvb_pat = Ppat_var "x"
; pvb_expr =
( Pexp_ident (Lident "+")
, [ ( Nolabel, Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer ( "2", None)))
; ( Nolabel, Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer ( "2", None)))
; pvb_attributes = __attrs
; pvb_loc = __loc

And with the flag:

$ ppxlib-pp-ast --show-attrs
[ Pstr_value
( Nonrecursive
, [ { pvb_pat = Ppat_var "x"
; pvb_expr =
( Pexp_ident (Lident "+")
, [ ( Nolabel, Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer ( "2", None)))
; ( Nolabel
, { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer ( "2", None))
; pexp_loc = __loc
; pexp_loc_stack = __lstack
; pexp_attributes =
[ { attr_name = "foo"
; attr_payload =
[ Pstr_eval
( Pexp_constant
(Pconst_integer ( "1", None))
, []
; attr_loc = __loc
; pvb_attributes =
[ { attr_name = "bar"
; attr_payload =
[ Ptyp_constr ( Lident "int", [])
; Ptyp_constr ( Lident "string", [])
; attr_loc = __loc
; pvb_loc = __loc

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