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Add migrations for ppx.context's load_path
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Signed-off-by: Nathan Rebours <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
NathanReb committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 3b7af3f commit 6143433
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Showing 6 changed files with 286 additions and 10 deletions.
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions astlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,62 @@ module To = Ast_502
attribute is not found. *)
let extract_attr name (attrs : Ast_501.Parsetree.attributes) =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> (false, List.rev acc)
| { Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; _ }; _ } :: q when txt = name ->
(true, List.rev_append acc q)
| [] -> (None, List.rev acc)
| { Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; _ }; attr_payload; _ } :: q
when txt = name ->
(Some attr_payload, List.rev_append acc q)
| hd :: tl -> loop (hd :: acc) tl
loop [] attrs

let migrate_ppx_context_load_path expr =
let open Ast_501.Parsetree in
let visible = { expr with pexp_attributes = [] } in
let payload, other_attrs =
extract_attr "ppxlib.migration.hidden_load_path" expr.pexp_attributes
let hidden =
match payload with
| None ->
(* An empty list *)
let pexp_desc =
Pexp_construct ({ txt = Lident "[]"; loc = expr.pexp_loc }, None)
{ expr with pexp_desc; pexp_attributes = [] }
| Some (PStr [ { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (expr, []); _ } ]) -> expr
| Some _ -> invalid_arg "Invalid ppxlib.migration.hidden_load_path paylaod"
expr with
pexp_attributes = other_attrs;
pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [ visible; hidden ];

let migrate_ppx_context_fields fields =
(fun (lident_loc, expr) ->
match lident_loc.Ast_501.Asttypes.txt with
| Longident.Lident "load_path" ->
(lident_loc, migrate_ppx_context_load_path expr)
| _ -> (lident_loc, expr))

let migrate_ppx_context_payload payload =
let open Ast_501.Parsetree in
match payload with
| PStr
pstr_desc =
(({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None) } as expr), attributes);
} as stri);
] ->
let new_fields = migrate_ppx_context_fields fields in
let new_expr = { expr with pexp_desc = Pexp_record (new_fields, None) } in
PStr [ { stri with pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (new_expr, attributes) } ]
| _ -> payload

let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
Ast_501.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_502.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,7 +563,11 @@ and copy_attribute : Ast_501.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_502.Parsetree.attribute
} ->
Ast_502.Parsetree.attr_name = copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name;
Ast_502.Parsetree.attr_payload = copy_payload attr_payload;
Ast_502.Parsetree.attr_payload =
(match attr_name.txt with
| "ocaml.ppx.context" ->
copy_payload (migrate_ppx_context_payload attr_payload)
| _ -> copy_payload attr_payload);
Ast_502.Parsetree.attr_loc = copy_location attr_loc;

Expand Down
48 changes: 47 additions & 1 deletion astlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,48 @@ let mk_ghost_attr name =
attr_loc = Location.none;

let migrate_ppx_context_load_path expr =
let open Ast_502.Parsetree in
let loc = Location.none in
match expr.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_tuple [ visible; hidden ] ->
let hidden_attr =
attr_name =
{ Location.txt = "ppxlib.migration.hidden_load_path"; loc };
attr_loc = loc;
attr_payload =
PStr [ { pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (hidden, []) } ];
{ visible with pexp_attributes = hidden_attr :: expr.pexp_attributes }
| _ -> expr

let migrate_ppx_context_fields fields =
(fun (lident_loc, expr) ->
match lident_loc.Ast_502.Asttypes.txt with
| Longident.Lident "load_path" ->
(lident_loc, migrate_ppx_context_load_path expr)
| _ -> (lident_loc, expr))

let migrate_ppx_context_payload payload =
let open Ast_502.Parsetree in
match payload with
| PStr
pstr_desc =
(({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None) } as expr), attributes);
} as stri);
] ->
let new_fields = migrate_ppx_context_fields fields in
let new_expr = { expr with pexp_desc = Pexp_record (new_fields, None) } in
PStr [ { stri with pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (new_expr, attributes) } ]
| _ -> payload

let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
Ast_502.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_501.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +553,11 @@ and copy_attribute : Ast_502.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_501.Parsetree.attribute
} ->
Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_name = copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name;
Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_payload = copy_payload attr_payload;
Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_payload =
(match attr_name.txt with
| "ocaml.ppx.context" ->
copy_payload (migrate_ppx_context_payload attr_payload)
| _ -> copy_payload attr_payload);
Ast_501.Parsetree.attr_loc = copy_location attr_loc;

Expand Down
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/ocaml-ppx-context-load-path-migration/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module To_before_502 =
Ppxlib_ast.Convert (Ppxlib_ast.Js) (Ppxlib_ast__.Versions.OCaml_501)

module From_before_502 =
Ppxlib_ast.Convert (Ppxlib_ast__.Versions.OCaml_501) (Ppxlib_ast.Js)

module Before_502_to_ocaml =

module OCaml_501 = Ppxlib_ast__.Versions.OCaml_501.Ast

let rec unfold_list_lit x next =
let open OCaml_501.Parsetree in
let open Astlib.Longident in
match next.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_construct ({ txt = Lident "[]"; _ }, None) -> [ x ]
| Pexp_construct
( { txt = Lident "::"; _ },
Some { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [ elm; rest ]; _ } ) ->
x :: unfold_list_lit elm rest
| _ -> invalid_arg "list_lit"

(* Only deals with the basic blocks needed for ocaml.ppx.context *)
let rec basic_expr_to_string expr =
let open OCaml_501.Parsetree in
let open Astlib.Longident in
match expr.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _, None)) -> Printf.sprintf "%S" s
| Pexp_ident { txt = Lident name; _ } -> name
| Pexp_tuple l ->
let strs = basic_expr_to_string l in
"(" ^ String.concat ", " strs ^ ")"
| Pexp_construct ({ txt = Lident s; _ }, None) -> s
| Pexp_construct
( { txt = Lident "::"; _ },
Some { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [ elm; rest ]; _ } ) ->
let exprs = unfold_list_lit elm rest in
let strs = basic_expr_to_string exprs in
"[" ^ String.concat "; " strs ^ "]"
| _ -> invalid_arg "basic_expr_to_string"

let print_field (lident_loc, expr) =
match lident_loc with
| { OCaml_501.Asttypes.txt = Astlib.Longident.Lident name; _ } ->
Printf.printf " %s: %s;\n" name (basic_expr_to_string expr)
| _ -> ()

let print_ocaml_ppx_context stri =
let open OCaml_501.Parsetree in
match stri.pstr_desc with
| Pstr_attribute
attr_payload =
pstr_desc =
Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None); _ }, _);
} ->
Printf.printf "[@@@ocaml.ppx.context\n";
Printf.printf " {\n";
List.iter print_field fields;
Printf.printf " }\n";
Printf.printf "]\n"
| _ -> ()

let is_ppx_context stri =
let open OCaml_501.Parsetree in
match stri.pstr_desc with
| Pstr_attribute
{ attr_name = { OCaml_501.Asttypes.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _ }; _ } ->
| _ -> false

let impl _ctxt str =
let before_502_ast = To_before_502.copy_structure str in
let ppx_context = List.find is_ppx_context before_502_ast in
Printf.printf "ocaml.ppx.context before 5.02:\n";
print_ocaml_ppx_context ppx_context;
let round_trip = Before_502_to_ocaml.copy_structure_item ppx_context in
Printf.printf "ocaml.ppx.context round tripped:\n";
Ocaml_common.Pprintast.structure_item Format.std_formatter round_trip;
From_before_502.copy_structure before_502_ast

let () = Ppxlib.Driver.V2.register_transformation ~impl "ocaml.ppx.context-test"
let () = Ppxlib.Driver.standalone ()
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/ocaml-ppx-context-load-path-migration/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
; Remember to bump the enabled if to the latest supported OCaml

(name driver)
(>= %{ocaml_version} "5.2"))
(libraries ppxlib ppxlib.ast ppxlib.astlib ocaml-compiler-libs.common

(>= %{ocaml_version} "5.2"))
(deps driver.exe))
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions test/driver/ocaml-ppx-context-load-path-migration/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Note that this test shoud only be enabled with the latest supported OCaml

In 5.2 the format of ocaml.ppx.context load_path changed.
To ensure compat, we defined migration for ocaml.ppx.context attributes

We write such an attribute to an .ml file. The compiler will add its own
and it should be consumed by the driver but our handwritten attribute will
be migrated as well and should remain in the AST.
$ cat > << EOF
> let x = 1
> [@@@ocaml.ppx.context
> {
> tool_name = "ocaml";
> include_dirs = ["foo"];
> hidden_include_dirs = [];
> load_path = (["foo"; "bar"], ["baz"]);
> open_modules = [];
> for_package = None;
> debug = true;
> use_threads = false;
> use_vmthreads = false;
> recursive_types = false;
> principal = false;
> transparent_modules = false;
> unboxed_types = false;
> unsafe_string = false;
> cookies = []
> }]
We then run a custom driver that will read our ast, migrate it back to 5.01,
pretty print the ocaml.ppx.context, convert it back to the latest version and
pretty print it again. This last, round-tripped version should be identical to
the one above.
$ ./driver.exe --impl -o
ocaml.ppx.context before 5.02:
tool_name: "ocaml";
include_dirs: ["foo"];
hidden_include_dirs: [];
load_path: ["foo"; "bar"];
open_modules: [];
for_package: None;
debug: true;
use_threads: false;
use_vmthreads: false;
recursive_types: false;
principal: false;
transparent_modules: false;
unboxed_types: false;
unsafe_string: false;
cookies: [];
ocaml.ppx.context round tripped:
tool_name = "ocaml";
include_dirs = ["foo"];
hidden_include_dirs = [];
load_path = (["foo"; "bar"], ["baz"]);
open_modules = [];
for_package = None;
debug = true;
use_threads = false;
use_vmthreads = false;
recursive_types = false;
principal = false;
transparent_modules = false;
unboxed_types = false;
unsafe_string = false;
cookies = []
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions test/driver/standalone-supports-old-binary-ast/test.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ The version is preserved.
Magic number: Caml1999N022

$ ../identity_standalone.exe --intf 406_binary_ast -o transformed --dump-ast
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Internal error: invalid [@@ocaml.ppx.context { load_path }] pair syntax

$ ../print_magic_number.exe < transformed
cannot open transformed: No such file
Magic number: Caml1999N022

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