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Merge pull request #539 from NathanReb/fix-test-for-5-3
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Add new `[%%expect_in <version-range> {| ... |}]` syntax for expect tests and fix 5.3 builds
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NathanReb authored Nov 26, 2024
2 parents 065ecc6 + cbfb6f3 commit 6b85aae
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Showing 6 changed files with 350 additions and 337 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/code_path/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,11 +89,16 @@ module Functor() = struct
let _ = let module M = Functor() in !M.code_path
[%%expect_in <= 5.2 {|
module Functor : functor () -> sig val code_path : string ref end
- : string =
"(code_path(main_module_name Test)(submodule_path(Functor _))(enclosing_module First_class)(enclosing_value(x))(value(x))(fully_qualified_path Test.Functor._.x))"
[%%expect_in >= 5.3 {|
module Functor : () -> sig val code_path : string ref end
- : string =
"(code_path(main_module_name Test)(submodule_path(Functor _))(enclosing_module First_class)(enclosing_value(x))(value(x))(fully_qualified_path Test.Functor._.x))"

module Actual = struct
let code_path = [%code_path]
Expand Down
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions test/expect/expect_lexer.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,21 @@
val split_file :
file_contents:string -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Lexing.position * string) list
type version = int * int

type version_range =
| Only of version
| Up_to of version
| From of version
| Between of version * version

(*[[%%ignore]], [[%%expect{|...|}] or [%%expect_in 5.3 {|...|}]*)
type expect_block =
| Ignore
| Regular
| Versioned of (version_range * string) list

type chunk = {
phrases : string;
phrases_start : Lexing.position;
expect : expect_block;

val split_file : file_contents:string -> Lexing.lexbuf -> chunk list
182 changes: 168 additions & 14 deletions test/expect/expect_lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,194 @@
open StdLabels

type version = int * int

type version_range =
| Only of version (* ex: [%%expect_in 5.3 *)
| Up_to of version (* ex: [%%expect_in <= 5.3 *)
| From of version (* ex: [%%expect_in >= 5.3 *)
| Between of version * version (* ex: [%%expect_in 5.0 <=> 5.3 *)

(*[%%ignore], [%%expect] or [%%expect_in]*)
type expect_block =
| Ignore
| Regular
| Versioned of (version_range * string) list

type chunk =
{ phrases : string
; phrases_start : Lexing.position
; expect : expect_block

let make_version major minor =
let major = int_of_string major in
let minor = int_of_string minor in
(major, minor)

let extract_string all_file start lexbuf =
let pos = start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let len = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - pos in
String.sub all_file ~pos ~len

rule code txt start = parse
let digit = ['0'-'9']

(* Entrypoint
Parses blocks of code to execute seperated by [%%expect{|...|}] statement.
Code blocks can be separated by a single [%%expect{|...|}] statement or by a
series of [%%expect_in <version-range> {|...|}]. *)
rule code all_file phrases_start = parse
| "[%%expect{|\n" {
let pos = start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let len = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - pos in
let s = String.sub txt ~pos ~len in
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
(start, s) :: expectation txt lexbuf
let chunk = {phrases; phrases_start; expect = Regular} in
chunk :: expectation all_file lexbuf
| "[%%ignore]\n" {
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let chunk = {phrases; phrases_start; expect = Ignore} in
chunk :: code all_file lexbuf.lex_curr_p lexbuf
| "[%%expect_in " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let version = make_version major minor in
let range = Only version in
let start = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file
(phrases_start, phrases) [] (range, start) lexbuf
| "[%%expect_in >= " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let version = make_version major minor in
let range = From version in
let start = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file
(phrases_start, phrases) [] (range, start) lexbuf
| "[%%expect_in <= " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let version = make_version major minor in
let range = Up_to version in
let start = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file
(phrases_start, phrases) [] (range, start) lexbuf
| "[%%expect_in "
(digit+ as major1) '.' (digit+ as minor1)
" <=> "
(digit+ as major2) '.' (digit+ as minor2)
" {|\n" {
let phrases = extract_string all_file phrases_start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let v1 = make_version major1 minor1 in
let v2 = make_version major2 minor2 in
let range = Between (v1, v2) in
let start = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file
(phrases_start, phrases) [] (range, start) lexbuf
| [^'\n']*'\n' {
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
code txt start lexbuf
code all_file phrases_start lexbuf
| eof {
let pos = start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let len = String.length txt - pos in
let pos = phrases_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let len = String.length all_file - pos in
if pos > 0 then begin
let s = String.sub txt ~pos ~len in
if String.trim s = "" then
let phrases = String.sub all_file ~pos ~len in
if String.trim phrases = "" then
[(start, s)]
[{phrases_start; phrases; expect = Regular}]
end else

and expectation txt = parse
and expectation all_file = parse
| "|}]\n" {
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
code txt lexbuf.lex_curr_p lexbuf
code all_file lexbuf.lex_curr_p lexbuf
| [^'\n']*'\n' {
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
expectation txt lexbuf
expectation all_file lexbuf

(* Parses the content of a [%%expect_in .. {| ... |}] block along with following
blocks in the same group *)
and versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk vexpects curr = parse
| "|}]\n[%%expect_in " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let range, start = curr in
let s = extract_string all_file start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let block = range, s in
let version = make_version major minor in
let next_range = Only version in
let cstart = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk
(block::vexpects) (next_range, cstart) lexbuf
| "|}]\n[%%expect_in >= " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let range, start = curr in
let s = extract_string all_file start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let block = range, s in
let version = make_version major minor in
let next_range = From version in
let cstart = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk
(block::vexpects) (next_range, cstart) lexbuf
| "|}]\n[%%expect_in <= " (digit+ as major) '.' (digit+ as minor) " {|\n" {
let range, start = curr in
let s = extract_string all_file start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let block = range, s in
let version = make_version major minor in
let next_range = Up_to version in
let cstart = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk
(block::vexpects) (next_range, cstart) lexbuf
| "|}]\n[%%expect_in "
(digit+ as major1) '.' (digit+ as minor1)
" <=> "
(digit+ as major2) '.' (digit+ as minor2)
" {|\n" {
let range, start = curr in
let s = extract_string all_file start lexbuf in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let block = range, s in
let v1 = make_version major1 minor1 in
let v2 = make_version major2 minor2 in
let next_range = Between (v1, v2) in
let cstart = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk
(block::vexpects) (next_range, cstart) lexbuf
| "|}]\n" {
let range, start = curr in
let pos = start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let len = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - pos in
let s = String.sub all_file ~pos ~len in
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
let vexpects = List.rev ((range, s)::vexpects) in
let phrases_start, phrases = code_chunk in
let chunk = {phrases; phrases_start; expect = Versioned vexpects} in
chunk :: code all_file lexbuf.lex_curr_p lexbuf
| [^'\n']*'\n' {
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
versioned_expectation_content all_file code_chunk vexpects curr lexbuf

Expand Down
104 changes: 88 additions & 16 deletions test/expect/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
open StdLabels

let compiler_version =
match String.split_on_char ~sep:'.' Sys.ocaml_version with
| major :: minor :: _ -> (int_of_string major, int_of_string minor)
| _ -> assert false

let include_compiler_version range =
let cmajor, cminor = compiler_version in
match (range : Expect_lexer.version_range) with
| Only (major, minor) -> cmajor = major && cminor = minor
| From (major, minor) -> cmajor > major || (cmajor = major && cminor >= minor)
| Up_to (major, minor) -> cmajor < major || (cmajor = major && cminor <= minor)
| Between ((min_major, min_minor), (max_major, max_minor)) ->
(cmajor > min_major && cmajor < max_major)
|| (cmajor = min_major && cminor >= min_minor)
|| (cmajor = max_major && cminor <= max_minor)

let read_file file =
let ic = open_in_bin file in
let len = in_channel_length ic in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +89,71 @@ let execute_phrase ppf phr =
match trimmed with "" -> () | _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" trimmed

let pp_version ppf (major, minor) = Format.fprintf ppf "%d.%d" major minor

let pp_range ppf range =
match (range : Expect_lexer.version_range) with
| Only v -> pp_version ppf v
| From v -> Format.fprintf ppf ">= %a" pp_version v
| Up_to v -> Format.fprintf ppf "<= %a" pp_version v
| Between (v1, v2) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a <=> %a" pp_version v1 pp_version v2

let run_code ppf starting_pos code =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string code in
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { starting_pos with pos_lnum = 1 };
let phrases = !Toploop.parse_use_file lexbuf in
List.iter phrases ~f:(function
| Parsetree.Ptop_def [] -> ()
| phr -> (
let phr = apply_rewriters phr in
if !Clflags.dump_source then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@?" Ppxlib.Pprintast.top_phrase
(Ppxlib.Selected_ast.Of_ocaml.copy_toplevel_phrase phr);
execute_phrase ppf phr
with exn -> Location.report_exception ppf exn))

let trash_buffer = Buffer.create 1024
let trash_ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer trash_buffer

let handle_ignore_block ppf starting_pos code =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s[%%%%ignore]@." code;
run_code trash_ppf starting_pos code;
Buffer.clear trash_buffer

let handle_regular_expect_block ppf starting_pos code =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s[%%%%expect{|@." code;
run_code ppf starting_pos code;
Format.fprintf ppf "@?|}]@."

let handle_versioned_expect_blocks ppf starting_pos code vexpect_blocks =
let matched = ref false in
let loc =
Ppxlib.Location.loc_start = starting_pos;
loc_end = starting_pos;
loc_ghost = false;
Format.fprintf ppf "%s@?" code;
List.iter vexpect_blocks ~f:(fun (range, content) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%%%%expect_in %a {|@." pp_range range;
if include_compiler_version range && not !matched then (
matched := true;
run_code ppf starting_pos code;
Format.fprintf ppf "@?|}]@.")
else if include_compiler_version range && !matched then
Ppxlib.Location.raise_errorf ~loc
"Multiple versioned expect block in a group matched our compiler \
version %a"
pp_version compiler_version
else Format.fprintf ppf "%s|}]@." content);
if not !matched then
Ppxlib.Location.raise_errorf ~loc
"No versioned expect block in a group matched our compiler version %a"
pp_version compiler_version

let main () =
let rec map_tree = function
| Outcometree.Oval_constr (name, params) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,22 +200,13 @@ let main () =
is statically linked in *)
Topfind.load_deeply [ "ppxlib" ];

List.iter chunks ~f:(fun (pos, s) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s[%%%%expect{|@." s;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { pos with pos_lnum = 1 };
let phrases = !Toploop.parse_use_file lexbuf in
List.iter phrases ~f:(function
| Parsetree.Ptop_def [] -> ()
| phr -> (
let phr = apply_rewriters phr in
if !Clflags.dump_source then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@?" Ppxlib.Pprintast.top_phrase
(Ppxlib.Selected_ast.Of_ocaml.copy_toplevel_phrase phr);
execute_phrase ppf phr
with exn -> Location.report_exception ppf exn));
Format.fprintf ppf "@?|}]@.");
List.iter chunks
~f:(fun { Expect_lexer.phrases; phrases_start; expect } ->
match expect with
| Ignore -> handle_ignore_block ppf phrases_start phrases
| Regular -> handle_regular_expect_block ppf phrases_start phrases
| Versioned vexpects ->
handle_versioned_expect_blocks ppf phrases_start phrases vexpects);
Buffer.contents buf)

let () =
Expand Down

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