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Add Pp_ast module and ppxlib-pp-ast executable
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Signed-off-by: Nathan Rebours <[email protected]>
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NathanReb committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 75c507a commit e88c670
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ details.

### Other changes

- Add ppxlib's AST pretty-printing utilities in `Ppxlib.Pp_ast` and
a `ppxlib-pp-ast` executable (#<PR_NUMBER>, @NathanReb)

0.33.0 (2024-07-22)

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions bin/dune
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name pp_ast)
(public_name ppxlib-pp-ast)
(package ppxlib)
(libraries ppxlib ppxlib_ast stdppx astlib))
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
open Ppxlib

module Kind = struct
type t = Signature | Structure | Expression | Pattern | Core_type

let to_utils_kind = function
| Structure -> Ppxlib__Utils.Kind.Impl
| Signature -> Ppxlib__Utils.Kind.Intf
| _ -> assert false

module Ast = struct
type t =
| Str of structure
| Sig of signature
| Exp of expression
| Pat of pattern
| Typ of core_type

let parse_node ~kind ~input_name fn =
let all_source =
match fn with
| "-" -> Stdppx.In_channel.input_all stdin
| _ -> Stdppx.In_channel.(with_file fn ~f:input_all)
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string all_source in
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = input_name };
Astlib.Location.set_input_lexbuf (Some lexbuf);
match (kind : Kind.t) with
| Expression -> Ast.Exp (Parse.expression lexbuf)
| Pattern -> Ast.Pat (Parse.pattern lexbuf)
| Core_type -> Ast.Typ (Parse.core_type lexbuf)
| Signature | Structure -> assert false

let load_input ~kind ~input_name fn =
match (kind : Kind.t) with
| Structure | Signature -> (
let kind = Kind.to_utils_kind kind in
match Driver.load_input ~kind ~input_name ~relocate:false fn with
| Error (loc_err, _ver) -> Location.Error.raise loc_err
| Ok (_ast_input_name, _version, ast) -> (
match (ast : Ppxlib__Utils.Intf_or_impl.t) with
| Impl str -> Ast.Str str
| Intf sig_ -> Ast.Sig sig_))
| Expression | Pattern | Core_type -> parse_node ~kind ~input_name fn

let pp_ast ast =
match (ast : Ast.t) with
| Str str -> Pp_ast.structure Format.std_formatter str
| Sig sig_ -> Pp_ast.signature Format.std_formatter sig_
| Exp exp -> Pp_ast.expression Format.std_formatter exp
| Pat pat -> Pp_ast.pattern Format.std_formatter pat
| Typ typ -> Pp_ast.core_type Format.std_formatter typ

let input = ref None
let kind = ref None

let set_input fn =
match !input with
| None -> input := Some fn
| Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "too many input files")

let set_kind k =
match !kind with
| Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "must specify at most one of --impl or --intf")
| _ -> kind := Some k

let exe_name = Stdlib.Filename.basename Stdlib.Sys.executable_name

let args =
("-", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_input "-"), " Read input from stdin");
( "--str",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Structure),
"<file> Treat the input as a .ml file" );
( "--sig",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Signature),
"<file> Treat the input as a .mli file" );
( "--exp",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Expression),
"<file> Treat the input as a single OCaml expression" );
( "--pat",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Pattern),
"<file> Treat the input as a single OCaml pattern" );
( "--typ",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_kind Kind.Core_type),
"<file> Treat the input as a single OCaml core_type" );

let main () =
let usage = Printf.sprintf "%s [extra_args] [<file>/-]" exe_name in
Arg.parse (Arg.align args) set_input usage;
match !input with
| None ->
Printf.eprintf "%s: no input file given\n%!" exe_name;
Stdlib.exit 2
| Some fn ->
let kind =
match !kind with
| Some k -> k
| None -> (
match Ppxlib__Utils.Kind.of_filename fn with
| Some Intf -> Signature
| Some Impl -> Structure
| None ->
"%s: Could not guess kind from filename %S\n\
\ Please use relevant CLI flag" exe_name fn;
Stdlib.exit 2)
let input_name = match fn with "-" -> "<stdin>" | _ -> fn in
let ast = load_input ~kind ~input_name fn in
pp_ast ast;
Format.printf "%!\n"

let () = main ()
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/driver.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,3 +245,12 @@ val map_signature : signature -> signature
val enable_checks : unit -> unit
val enable_location_check : unit -> unit
val disable_location_check : unit -> unit

val load_input :
kind:Utils.Kind.t ->
input_name:string ->
relocate:bool ->
string ->
( string * Utils.Ast_io.input_version * Utils.Intf_or_impl.t,
Location.Error.t * Utils.Ast_io.input_version )
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
open Import

type simple_val =
| Unit
| Int of int
| String of string
| Bool of bool
| Char of char
| Array of simple_val list
| Float of float
| Int32 of int32
| Int64 of int64
| Nativeint of nativeint
| Record of (string * simple_val) list
| Constr of string * simple_val list
| Tuple of simple_val list
| List of simple_val list
| Special of string

let pp_collection ~pp_elm ~open_ ~close ~sep fmt l =
match l with
| [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s" open_ close
| hd :: tl ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>%s %a@," open_ pp_elm hd;
List.iter tl ~f:(fun sv -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a@," sep pp_elm sv);
Format.fprintf fmt "%s@]" close

let rec pp_simple_val fmt simple_val =
match simple_val with
| Unit -> Format.fprintf fmt "()"
| Int i -> Format.fprintf fmt "%i" i
| String s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%S" s
| Special s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
| Bool b -> Format.fprintf fmt "%B" b
| Char c -> Format.fprintf fmt "%c" c
| Float f -> Format.fprintf fmt "%f" f
| Int32 i32 -> Format.fprintf fmt "%li" i32
| Int64 i64 -> Format.fprintf fmt "%Li" i64
| Nativeint ni -> Format.fprintf fmt "%ni" ni
| Array l ->
pp_collection ~pp_elm:pp_simple_val ~open_:"[|" ~close:"|]" ~sep:";" fmt l
| Tuple l ->
pp_collection ~pp_elm:pp_simple_val ~open_:"(" ~close:")" ~sep:"," fmt l
| List l ->
pp_collection ~pp_elm:pp_simple_val ~open_:"[" ~close:"]" ~sep:";" fmt l
| Record fields ->
pp_collection ~pp_elm:pp_field ~open_:"{" ~close:"}" ~sep:";" fmt fields
| Constr (cname, []) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" cname
| Constr (cname, [ (Constr (_, _ :: _) as x) ]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s@ (%a)@]" cname pp_simple_val x
| Constr (cname, [ x ]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s@ %a@]" cname pp_simple_val x
| Constr (cname, l) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s@ %a@]" cname pp_simple_val (Tuple l)

and pp_field fmt (fname, simple_val) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s =@ %a@]" fname pp_simple_val simple_val

class lift_simple_val =
object (self)
inherit [simple_val] Ast_traverse.lift
method unit () = Unit
method int i = Int i
method string s = String s
method bool b = Bool b
method char c = Char c
method float f = Float f
method int32 i32 = Int32 i32
method int64 i64 = Int64 i64
method nativeint ni = Nativeint ni
method! list lift_a list = List ( ~f:lift_a list)
method tuple res_list = Tuple res_list
method record fields = Record fields
method constr ctr res_list = Constr (ctr, res_list)

method array lift_a array =
Array ( ~f:lift_a array |> Array.to_list)

method other _a = Special "__"
method! location _loc = Special "__loc"
method! location_stack _ls = Special "__lstack"
method! position _p = Special "__pos"
method! attributes _a = Special "__attrs"
method! loc lift_a a_loc = lift_a a_loc.txt
method! core_type ct = self#core_type_desc ct.ptyp_desc
method! row_field rf = self#row_field_desc rf.prf_desc
method! object_field obf = self#object_field_desc obf.pof_desc
method! pattern pat = self#pattern_desc pat.ppat_desc
method! expression exp = self#expression_desc exp.pexp_desc
method! class_type cty = self#class_type_desc cty.pcty_desc
method! class_type_field ctf = self#class_type_field_desc ctf.pctf_desc
method! class_expr cl = self#class_expr_desc cl.pcl_desc
method! class_field cf = self#class_field_desc cf.pcf_desc
method! module_type mty = self#module_type_desc mty.pmty_desc
method! signature_item sigi = self#signature_item_desc sigi.psig_desc
method! module_expr mod_ = self#module_expr_desc mod_.pmod_desc
method! structure_item stri = self#structure_item_desc stri.pstr_desc

method! directive_argument dira =
self#directive_argument_desc dira.pdira_desc

method! rec_flag rec_flag =
match rec_flag with
| Nonrecursive -> Constr ("Nonrecursive", [])
| Recursive -> Constr ("Recursive", [])

method! direction_flag direction_flag =
match direction_flag with
| Upto -> Constr ("Upto", [])
| Downto -> Constr ("Downto", [])

method! private_flag private_flag =
match private_flag with
| Private -> Constr ("Private", [])
| Public -> Constr ("Public", [])

method! mutable_flag mutable_flag =
match mutable_flag with
| Mutable -> Constr ("Mutable", [])
| Immutable -> Constr ("Immutable", [])

method! virtual_flag virtual_flag =
match virtual_flag with
| Virtual -> Constr ("Virtual", [])
| Concrete -> Constr ("Concrete", [])

method! override_flag override_flag =
match override_flag with
| Override -> Constr ("Override", [])
| Fresh -> Constr ("Fresh", [])

method! closed_flag closed_flag =
match closed_flag with
| Closed -> Constr ("Closed", [])
| Open -> Constr ("Open", [])

method! variance variance =
match variance with
| Covariant -> Constr ("Covariant", [])
| Contravariant -> Constr ("Contravariant", [])
| NoVariance -> Constr ("NoVariance", [])

method! injectivity injectivity =
match injectivity with
| Injective -> Constr ("Injective", [])
| NoInjectivity -> Constr ("NoInjectivity", [])

let lift_simple_val = new lift_simple_val
let structure fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#structure str)
let signature fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#signature str)
let expression fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#expression str)
let pattern fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#pattern str)
let core_type fmt str = pp_simple_val fmt (lift_simple_val#core_type str)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/pp_ast.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
open! Import

val structure : Format.formatter -> structure -> unit
val signature : Format.formatter -> signature -> unit
val expression : Format.formatter -> expression -> unit
val pattern : Format.formatter -> pattern -> unit
val core_type : Format.formatter -> core_type -> unit
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module Expansion_helpers = Expansion_helpers
module Merlin_helpers = Merlin_helpers
module Spellcheck = Spellcheck
module Keyword = Keyword
module Pp_ast = Pp_ast

(** {2 Driver-related modules} *)

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