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Merge pull request #6130 from kit-ty-kate/0install-cudf-0.5.0
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Add support for opam-0install-cudf 0.5.0
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kit-ty-kate authored Aug 20, 2024
2 parents 6a212c3 + 94e7f9a commit 4124b26
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Showing 13 changed files with 204 additions and 111 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ let main oc : unit =
(* These should be identical to the values in appveyor.yml *)
("OPAM_REPO", "");
("OPAM_TEST_REPO_SHA", "dff745994c64d083a6ba3ddc5a9c28ed0ad0f40a");
("OPAM_REPO_SHA", "dff745994c64d083a6ba3ddc5a9c28ed0ad0f40a");
("OPAM_REPO_SHA", "6eee105e52e098e36949a584c053a18bcb9b2f6b");
("SOLVER", "");
(* Cygwin configuration *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/depexts.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ defaults:
OPAM_REPO_SHA: dff745994c64d083a6ba3ddc5a9c28ed0ad0f40a
OPAM_REPO_SHA: 6eee105e52e098e36949a584c053a18bcb9b2f6b

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ env:
OPAM12CACHE: ~/.cache/opam1.2/cache
OPAM_TEST_REPO_SHA: dff745994c64d083a6ba3ddc5a9c28ed0ad0f40a
OPAM_REPO_SHA: dff745994c64d083a6ba3ddc5a9c28ed0ad0f40a
OPAM_REPO_SHA: 6eee105e52e098e36949a584c053a18bcb9b2f6b
CYGWIN_ROOT: D:\cygwin
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions configure

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG_AT_LEAST([dose3.common], [6.1])
AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG_AT_LEAST([dose3.algo], [6.1])
AC_CHECK_OCAML_PKG_AT_LEAST([opam-file-format], [2.1.4])
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ <h1>opam %{OPAMVERSION}% API and libraries documentation</h1>
<td>Configuration options for this lib (record, global reference, setter, initialisation)</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="opam-solver/OpamActionGraph"></a></th>
<td>Handles graphs of actions (package changes), based on ocamlgraph</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="opam-solver/OpamCudfCriteria"></a></th>
<td>Cudf criteria helper functions (string conversion, etc.)</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="opam-solver/OpamCudfSolver"></a></th>
<td>Bindings to implementation of CUDF solvers, either built-in or external</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="opam-solver/OpamCudf"></a></th>
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ users)
## Build
* Synchronise opam-core.opam with opam-repository changes [#6043 @dra27]
* Unset OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX when using make cold [#5534 @kit-ty-kate]
* Bump the vendored opam-0install-cudf to 0.5.0 [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]
* Require opam-0install-cudf >= 0.5.0 [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]

## Infrastructure

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +123,11 @@ users)
## Opam file format

## Solver
* Add support for unordered criteria with the `builtin-0install` solver [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]
* Add support for the `-changed` criteria with the `builtin-0install` solver, to make the solver prefer to keep packages installed at their current version [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]
* Add support for the `-count[avoid-version,solution]` criteria with the `builtin-0install` solver, to avoid packages marked with `avoid-version` flag [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]
* The default criteria for the `builtin-0install` solver changed from empty to `-changed,-count[avoid-version,solution]` [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]
* The upgrade and fixup criteria for the `builtin-0install` solver changed from empty to `-count[avoid-version,solution]` [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]

## Client

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +218,7 @@ users)
* `OpamStateConfig.opamroot_with_provenance`: restore previous behaviour to `OpamStateConfig.opamroot` for compatibility with third party code [#6047 @dra27]

## opam-solver
* `OpamCudfCriteria`, `OpamBuiltinZ3.Syntax`: Move `OpamBuiltinZ3.Syntax` into a dedicated module `OpamCudfCriteria` [#6130 @kit-ty-kate]

## opam-format
* Add `OpamTypesBase.switch_selections_{compare,equal}`: proper comparison functions for `OpamTypes.switch_selections` [#6102 @kit-ty-kate]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion opam-solver.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ depends: [
"cudf" {>= "0.7"}
"re" {>= "1.9.0"}
"dune" {>= "2.0.0"}
"opam-0install-cudf" {>= "0.4"}
"opam-0install-cudf" {>= "0.5.0"}
depopts: [
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60 changes: 45 additions & 15 deletions src/solver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ let command_name = None
let preemptive_check = false

let default_criteria = {
crit_default = "";
crit_upgrade = "";
crit_fixup = "";
crit_default = "-changed,\
crit_upgrade = "-count[avoid-version,solution]";
crit_fixup = "-count[avoid-version,solution]";
crit_best_effort_prefix = None;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,25 +91,54 @@ let reconstruct_universe universe selections =
type options = {
drop_installed_packages : bool;
prefer_oldest : bool;
handle_avoid_version : bool;
prefer_installed : bool;

let parse_criteria criteria =
let default = {drop_installed_packages = false; prefer_oldest = false} in
match criteria with
| "" -> default
| "+removed" -> {drop_installed_packages = true; prefer_oldest = false}
| "+count[version-lag,solution]" -> {drop_installed_packages = false; prefer_oldest = true}
| "+removed,+count[version-lag,solution]" ->
{drop_installed_packages = true; prefer_oldest = true}
| _ ->
OpamConsole.warning "Criteria '%s' is not supported by the 0install solver" criteria;
let default =
drop_installed_packages = false;
prefer_oldest = false;
handle_avoid_version = false;
prefer_installed = false;
let rec parse default (criteria : OpamCudfCriteria.criterion list) =
match criteria with
| [] -> default
| (Plus, Removed, None)::xs ->
parse {default with drop_installed_packages = true} xs
| (Plus, Solution, Some "version-lag")::xs ->
parse {default with prefer_oldest = true} xs
| (Minus, Solution, Some "avoid-version")::xs ->
parse {default with handle_avoid_version = true} xs
| (Minus, Changed, None)::xs ->
parse {default with prefer_installed = true} xs
| criterion::xs ->
"Criteria '%s' is not supported by the 0install solver"
(OpamCudfCriteria.criterion_to_string criterion);
parse default xs
parse default (OpamCudfCriteria.of_string criteria)

let call ~criteria ?timeout:_ (preamble, universe, request) =
let {drop_installed_packages; prefer_oldest} = parse_criteria criteria in
let {
} =
parse_criteria criteria
let timer = OpamConsole.timer () in
let pkgs, constraints = create_spec ~drop_installed_packages universe request in
let context = Opam_0install_cudf.create ~prefer_oldest ~constraints universe in
let context =
~prefer_oldest ~handle_avoid_version ~prefer_installed
~constraints universe
match Opam_0install_cudf.solve context pkgs with
| Ok selections ->
let universe = reconstruct_universe universe selections in
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89 changes: 3 additions & 86 deletions src/solver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,17 +273,10 @@ let sum ctx (_, universe, _) filter value =

type filter = Installed | Changed | Removed | New |
Upgraded | Downgraded | Requested
type property = string option
type sign = Plus | Minus

type criterion = sign * filter * property

let def_criterion ctx opt (preamble, universe, request as cudf)
(sign, filter, property : criterion) =
(sign, filter, property : OpamCudfCriteria.criterion) =
let filter_f = match filter with
| Installed -> fun p -> psym ctx p
| Installed | Solution -> fun p -> psym ctx p
| Changed ->
fun p ->
if p.Cudf.installed then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,82 +360,6 @@ let def_criterion ctx opt (preamble, universe, request as cudf)
let def_criteria ctx opt cudf crits =
List.iter (def_criterion ctx opt cudf) crits

module Syntax = struct

let criterion_of_string (s,params) =
let sign = match s.[0] with
| '+' -> Plus
| '-' -> Minus
| c -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "criteria_of_string sign=%c" c)
| exception Invalid_argument _ ->
failwith "criteria_of_string sign=EOF"
let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
let subset_of_string = function
| "new" -> New
| "removed" -> Removed
| "changed" -> Changed
| "up" -> Upgraded
| "down" -> Downgraded
| "installed" | "solution" -> Installed
| "request" -> Requested
| s -> failwith ("criteria_of_string subset="^s)
match s, params with
| "count", [field; subset] ->
sign, subset_of_string subset, Some field
| s, [] -> sign, subset_of_string s, None
| s, _ -> failwith ("criteria_of_string s="^s)
let string_of_criterion (sign, filter, property: criterion) =
Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s"
(match sign with Plus -> '+' | Minus -> '-')
(match filter with
| Installed -> "installed"
| Changed -> "changed"
| Removed -> "removed"
| New -> "new"
| Upgraded -> "up"
| Downgraded -> "down"
| Requested -> "request")
(match property with None -> "" | Some p -> "["^p^"]")
let criteria_of_string s =
let start = ref 0 in
let crits = ref [] in
let params = ref None in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
match s.[i] with
| ',' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
if sub <> "" then
(match !params with
| None -> crits := (sub, []) :: !crits
| Some (name, ps) -> params := Some (name, sub :: ps))
| '[' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
if !params <> None then failwith "criteria_of_string";
params := Some (sub, [])
| ']' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
(match !params with
| None -> failwith "criteria_of_string"
| Some (name, ps) ->
params := None;
crits := (name, List.rev (sub::ps)) :: !crits)
| _ -> ()
if !start < String.length s then
crits := (String.sub s !start (String.length s - !start), []) :: !crits;
if !params <> None then failwith "criteria_of_string";
let r = List.rev_map criterion_of_string !crits in


let extract_solution_packages universe opt =
match Z3.Optimize.get_model opt with
| Some model ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -485,7 +402,7 @@ let call ~criteria ?timeout (preamble, universe, _ as cudf) =
log "Generating optimization criteria";
let opt = Z3.Optimize.mk_opt ctx.z3 in
let _criteria_def_handles =
def_criteria ctx opt cudf (Syntax.criteria_of_string criteria)
def_criteria ctx opt cudf (OpamCudfCriteria.of_string criteria)
log "Sending the problem to Z3";
let params =
Expand Down
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/solver/
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright 2017-2019 OCamlPro *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the special *)
(* exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)

type filter =
| Installed
| Solution
| Changed
| Removed
| New
| Upgraded
| Downgraded
| Requested

type property = string option

type sign = Plus | Minus

type criterion = sign * filter * property

let criterion_of_string (s,params) =
let sign = match s.[0] with
| '+' -> Plus
| '-' -> Minus
| c -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "criteria_of_string sign=%c" c)
| exception Invalid_argument _ ->
failwith "criteria_of_string sign=EOF"
let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
let subset_of_string = function
| "new" -> New
| "removed" -> Removed
| "changed" -> Changed
| "up" -> Upgraded
| "down" -> Downgraded
| "installed" -> Installed
| "solution" -> Solution
| "request" -> Requested
| s -> failwith ("criteria_of_string subset="^s)
match s, params with
| "count", [field; subset] ->
sign, subset_of_string subset, Some field
| s, [] -> sign, subset_of_string s, None
| s, _ -> failwith ("criteria_of_string s="^s)

let criterion_to_string (sign, filter, property: criterion) =
Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s"
(match sign with Plus -> '+' | Minus -> '-')
(match filter with
| Installed -> "installed"
| Solution -> "solution"
| Changed -> "changed"
| Removed -> "removed"
| New -> "new"
| Upgraded -> "up"
| Downgraded -> "down"
| Requested -> "request")
(match property with None -> "" | Some p -> "["^p^"]")

let of_string s =
let start = ref 0 in
let crits = ref [] in
let params = ref None in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
match s.[i] with
| ',' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
if sub <> "" then
(match !params with
| None -> crits := (sub, []) :: !crits
| Some (name, ps) -> params := Some (name, sub :: ps))
| '[' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
if !params <> None then failwith "criteria_of_string";
params := Some (sub, [])
| ']' ->
let sub = String.sub s !start (i - !start) in
start := i + 1;
(match !params with
| None -> failwith "criteria_of_string"
| Some (name, ps) ->
params := None;
crits := (name, List.rev (sub::ps)) :: !crits)
| _ -> ()
if !start < String.length s then
crits := (String.sub s !start (String.length s - !start), []) :: !crits;
if !params <> None then failwith "criteria_of_string";
let r = List.rev_map criterion_of_string !crits in

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