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download: rework SWH retrieval fallback
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* Update to new API
* More fine-grained workflow: check is archive is already cooked: if not request cooking, otherwise retrieve url of the archive
* Use only post request when needed
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rjbou committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 13437c7 commit 979c25d
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Showing 2 changed files with 145 additions and 49 deletions.
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* [BUG] Fix SWH archive cooking request for wget [#6036 @rjbou - fix #5721]
* [BUG] Fix SWH liveness check [#6036 @rjbou]
* Update SWH API request [#6036 @rjbou]
* Rework SWH fallback to have a more correct archive retrieval and more fine grained error handling [#6036 @rjbou]

## Lock

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193 changes: 144 additions & 49 deletions src/repository/
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Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ let download ?quiet ?validate ~overwrite ?compress ?checksum url dstdir =

let get_output ~post ?(args=[]) url =
let cmd_args =
(* should we read from output or redirect in a file ? *)
download_args ~url ~out:"-" ~retry:OpamRepositoryConfig.(!r.retries)
~compress:false ()
@ args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,16 +292,20 @@ module SWHID = struct
let vault_url kind hash =
full_url ("vault/" ^ kind) ("swh:1:dir:" ^ hash)

let check_liveness () =
OpamProcess.Job.catch (fun _ -> Done false)
@@ fun () ->
get_output ~post:false OpamUrl.Op.(instance / "api" / "1" / "ping" / "")
@@| function
| Some (pong::_) ->
(* curl output after answer the http code *)
(* *)
OpamStd.String.starts_with ~prefix:"\"pong\"" pong
| Some _ | None -> false
let fallback_err fmt = Printf.sprintf ("SWH fallback: "^^fmt)

let get_output ?(post=false) url =
get_output ~post url @@| function
| Some out -> out
| None ->
(* Shouldn't happen, we already checked that a post tool is used *)
(* XXX change to an assert false ? *)
OpamConsole.error "Software Heritage fallback needs %s or %s installed"
(OpamConsole.colorise `underline "curl")
(OpamConsole.colorise `underline "wget");
fail (None,
"Software Heritage fallback not available as \
it needs curl or wget used")

let get_value key s =
match OpamJson.of_string s with
Expand All @@ -310,6 +315,89 @@ module SWHID = struct
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None

let check_liveness () =
OpamProcess.Job.catch (fun _ -> Done false)
@@ fun () ->
get_output ~post:false OpamUrl.Op.(instance / "api" / "1" / "ping" / "")
@@| function
| pong::_ ->
(* curl output after answering the http code *)
(* *)
OpamStd.String.starts_with ~prefix:"\"pong\"" pong
| _ -> false

Returned error JSONs
"error":"Resource not found",
"reason":"The resource /api/1/vault/flat/swh:1:dir:6b700f4b287aee509adbc723d030309188684f4/ could not be found on the server."
"reason":"Cooking of swh:1:dir:6b700f4b287aee509adbc723d030309188684f04 was never requested."
"reason":"swh:1:dir:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 not found."
let parse_err json =
match get_value "exception" json with
| Some "NotFoundExc" ->
(match get_value "reason" json with
| Some reason ->
if OpamStd.String.ends_with ~suffix:"was never requested." reason then
else if OpamStd.String.ends_with ~suffix:"not found." reason then
else `Error
| None -> `Error)
| Some "Resource not found" -> `Not_found
| Some _ | None -> `Error

let is_it_cooked url =
let dst = OpamSystem.temp_file ~auto_clean:false "swh-out" in
let download_cmd ~with_curl_mitigation return =
let cmd, args =
download_args ~url ~out:dst
~compress:false ()
| "curl" as cmd::args -> cmd, args
| "wget" as cmd::args -> cmd, "--content-on-error"::args
| _ -> assert false
let stdout = OpamSystem.temp_file ~auto_clean:false "dl" in
OpamProcess.Job.finally (fun () -> OpamSystem.remove_file stdout)
@@ fun () ->
OpamSystem.make_command ~allow_stdin:false ~stdout cmd args
@@> return
(download_cmd ~with_curl_mitigation:false
@@ tool_return download_cmd url)
@@| fun status ->
let read_last_line file =
OpamStd.String.split ( file) '\n'
|> List.rev
|> List.hd
with Failure _ -> ""
let status =
match status with
| `ok ->
let json = read_last_line dst in
if String.equal json "" then `Error else `Cooked json
| `http_error 404 ->
let json = read_last_line dst in
parse_err json
| `http_error _ | `fail _ -> `Error
OpamSystem.remove_file dst; (* TODO XXX and in case of error raised ? *)

(* SWH request output example
directory: retrieve "status" & "fetch_url"
$ curl
Expand All @@ -324,53 +412,60 @@ module SWHID = struct

let get_output ?(post=false) url =
get_output ~post url @@| function
| Some out ->
Some (String.concat "" out)
| None ->
OpamConsole.error "Software Heritage fallback needs %s installed"
(OpamConsole.colorise `underline "curl");

let get_dir hash =
(* *)
let url = vault_url "flat" hash in
(* The POST is needed only for asking to cook the archive, it's a no-op on
status check *)
get_output ~post:true url @@| OpamStd.Option.replace @@ fun json ->
let read_flat_out json =
let status = get_value "status" json in
let fetch_url = get_value "fetch_url" json in
match status, fetch_url with
| None, _ | _, None -> None
| None, _ | _, None ->
(match parse_err json with
| `Not_found -> `Not_found
| `Error | `Uncooked -> `Malformed)
| Some status, Some fetch_url ->
Some (match status with
| "done" -> `Done (OpamUrl.of_string fetch_url)
| "pending" -> `Pending
| "new" -> `New
| "failed" -> `Failed
| _ -> `Unknown)

let fallback_err fmt = Printf.sprintf ("SWH fallback: "^^fmt)
match status with
| "done" -> `Done (OpamUrl.of_string fetch_url)
| "pending" -> `Pending
| "new" -> `New
| "failed" -> `Failed
| _ -> `Unknown

let get_url ?(max_tries=6) swhid =
let attempts = max_tries in
let request_cooking ?(post=false) url =
get_output ~post url @@| fun out -> String.concat "" out
let hash = OpamSWHID.hash swhid in
let rec aux max_tries =
if max_tries <= 0 then
Done (Not_available
(Some (fallback_err "max_tries"),
fallback_err "%d attempts tried; aborting" attempts))
get_dir hash @@+ function
| Some (`Done fetch_url) -> Done (Result fetch_url)
| Some (`Pending | `New) ->
Unix.sleep 10;
aux (max_tries - 1)
| None | Some (`Failed | `Unknown) ->
Done (Not_available (None, fallback_err "Unknown swhid"))
(* *)
let url = vault_url "flat" hash in
let rec loop attempt json =
match read_flat_out json with
| `Done fetch_url -> Done (Result fetch_url)
| `Pending | `New ->
log "%s is cooking (%d/%d)..."
(OpamSWHID.to_string swhid) attempt max_tries;
if (attempt : int) >= (max_tries : int) then
Done (Not_available
(Some (fallback_err "attempt"),
fallback_err "%d attempts tried; aborting" max_tries))
(Unix.sleep 10;
request_cooking ~post:false url
@@+ loop (attempt + 1))
| `Malformed ->
Done (Not_available (None, fallback_err "Malformed request answer"))
| `Failed | `Unknown | `Not_found ->
Done (Not_available (None, fallback_err "Unknown swhid"))
aux max_tries
let retrieve_url json = loop 1 json in
is_it_cooked url
@@+ function
| `Error -> Done (Not_available (None, fallback_err "Request error"))
| `Not_found -> Done (Not_available (None, fallback_err "Unknown swhid"))
| `Cooked json ->
log "%s is cooked or cooking, requesting url" (OpamSWHID.to_string swhid);
retrieve_url json
| `Uncooked ->
log "%s is uncooked, request cooking" (OpamSWHID.to_string swhid);
request_cooking ~post:true url
@@+ retrieve_url

(* for the moment only used in sources, not extra sources or files *)
let archive_fallback ?max_tries urlf dirnames =
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