This repository contains the NeverWorld2 (NW2) configurations for the baseline experiments described in Marques et al., (2022) [TODO: add a link to the masnuscript].
Make a fork on github of:
To clone:
git clone --recursive
On cheyenne use the environment:
. scripts/cheyenne-intel-env
On orion use the environment:
. scripts/orion-intel-env
On gaea use the environment:
. scripts/gaea-intel-env
To compile, use
make -s -j
or (in Cheyenne)
. scripts/make_FMS
. scripts/make_repro
To compile in orion, use Makefile
make TEMPLATE=src/mkmf/templates/
To compile in gaea, use Makefile
make TEMPLATE=src/mkmf/templates/
To run a test case in Cheyenne:
cd simulations/baselines/nw2_0.25deg_N15_baseline_hmix20/
qsub submit_cheyenne
Use submit_gaea.csh
on gaea.
To start over, delete the directory build
before continuing with the steps.