About this version
Release time
Release number
Commit number
New features
Support session information synchronization mechanism
Support public cloud shared proxy CPU resource tenant isolation
Support random routing
Support specifying ip routing
Support to configure tenant isolation
Support Primary Zone routing
Fast fail-fast for request probes is supported. POC use only
Support text PS
Support connection string ClusterId custom separator
Support non-Alibaba cloud environment, use remote ip as virtual ip
【OB Sharding】Support SHOW INDEX FROM statement
【OB Sharding】Support truncate syntax
【OB Sharding】Support SHOW FULL TABLES statement
【OB Sharding】SHOW KEYS FROM statement
【OB Sharding】Support SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement
【OB Sharding】When the scan_all switch is false, union and union all are supported;
【OB Sharding】When the scan_all switch is true, union all is supported
【OB Sharding】show table, show index, etc. support like syntax
【OB Sharding】Limited support for subqueries
【OB Sharding】Support to adjust the memory limit according to the container memory size
Turn off the default parameter for fast-fail request probes. Off by default
Adjust the whitelist policy, no longer use the client_ip sent by the client, and directly use the tcp peer IP
Add max_used_connections to reduce log printing when client connection is disconnected
locality changes support all_dummy refresh
Intercept configuration table multi-row insertion
Compatible with MySQL 8.0, HandleShake Capability adds multi related value
Optimize partially duplicated logs
Whitelist optimization, telnet detection directly disconnects
Bug fixes
Fix the memory problem caused by accessing internal tables and abnormally obtaining partition information
Fixed OB_MYSQL_COM_STMT_EXECUTE protocol, ref_cursor reported error fetch out of sequence under function
Fix the issue that the enable_client_ip_checkout parameter does not take effect when there is a connect attr parameter
Fix the Sharding scenario, the select table name of the sub-database and sub-table is case-sensitive, resulting in an error report
Fix the Sharding scenario, the select of sub-database and sub-table will be intercepted and unsupported syntax problem
Fixed an issue where a single SQL was sent multiple times, causing the SQL to take more than 40ms
Fix performance issues introduced by random partitions
Fix the problem of disconnection of changUser command under normal protocol
Fixed the problem that file systems such as xfs cannot accurately determine whether it is a directory using the readdir system call
Fix the problem that rslist startup fails more than 3 times and does not fall back to the original rslist
Fixed inaccurate sql routing caused by text PS escape symbols
Fix name super long text PS, prepare stage odp core
Fix text PS case insensitivity
Fix the error Unknown prepared statement handle when executing the text PS large request
Fix text PS date type route as partition key, text ps parameter routing is not allowed
Fix text PS trigger pl routing is not allowed
Fix text PS name contains illegal characters, execute error 1243
Fix the problem that user, value, etc. are used as keywords in lexical analysis
Fixed the problem that SSL cannot be used for the link between Client and Proxy
【OB Sharding】Fixed that the hint with partition key cannot calculate the partition key when inserting
【OB Sharding】Fixed that if the partition key is after the 64th column in the insert statement, it will report that it cannot be calculated
【OB Sharding】Fix the problem of disconnection of sequence query
【OB Sharding】Fix the core caused by not supporting sum(case when) in the function
When hot restart, if the old connection receives the OB_MYSQL_COM_PING command, the old Proxy will actively disconnect the connection
【OBSharding】 Fix the syntax parsing problem of delete and update
2022 年 11 月 01 日
支持 session 信息同步机制
支持公有云共享代理 CPU 资源租户隔离
支持 随机路由
支持 指定 ip 路由
支持 配置租户隔离
支持 Primary Zone 路由
支持 请求探测快速失败。仅限 POC 使用
支持 文本 PS
支持 连接串 ClusterId 自定义分隔符
支持非阿里云环境,使用 remote ip 作为 virtual ip
【OB Sharding】支持 SHOW INDEX FROM 语句
【OB Sharding】支持 truncate 语法
【OB Sharding】支持 SHOW FULL TABLES 语句
【OB Sharding】SHOW KEYS FROM 语句
【OB Sharding】支持 SHOW FULL COLUMNS 语句
【OB Sharding】scan_all开关是 false 的时候,支持 union、union all;
【OB Sharding】scan_all开关是 true 的时候,支持 union all
【OB Sharding】show table 、show lndex 等支持like 语法
【OB Sharding】有限支持子查询
【OB Sharding】支持根据容器内存大小调整内存上限
关闭 请求探测快速失败 的默认参数。默认关闭
客户端连接断开时,添加 max_used_connections 减少的日志打印
MySQL 8.0 兼容,HandleShake Capability 新增 multi 相关值
白名单优化,telnet 探测直接断连接
修复 OB_MYSQL_COM_STMT_EXECUTE 协议,ref_cursor 在function下报错fetch out of sequence 的问题
修复 enable_client_ip_checkout 参数在有 connect attr 参数时不生效的问题
修复 Sharding 场景,分库分表的 select 表名区分大小写,导致的报错问题
修复 Sharding 场景,分库分表的 select 会被拦截不支持的语法问题
修复 单条SQL 多次发送,导致的 SQL 耗时超过 40ms 问题
修复 changUser 命令在普通协议下断连接问题
修复 xfs 等文件系统使用 readdir 系统调用无法准确判断是否为目录的问题
修复 rslist 方式启动,失败超过3次,没有回退到原始 rslist 的问题
修复文本 PS 转义符号引起的sql路由不准
修复名字超长文本 PS ,prepare阶段odp core
修复文本 PS 大小写不敏感
修复文本 PS large request 中执行报错Unknown prepared statement handle
修复文本 PS date 类型路由作为分区键,文本ps传参路由不准
修复文本 PS 触发pl路由不准
修复文本 PS 名字中含有非法字符,execute报错1243
修复 Client 与 Proxy 链路无法使用 SSL 问题
【OB Sharding】修复带分区键的 hint 在 insert 的时候, 无法计算分区键
【OB Sharding】修复 insert 语句如果分区键在第 64 个列之后,会报无法计算
【OB Sharding】修复 sequence查询断连的问题
【OB Sharding】修复函数中不支持sum(case when)导致的core
修复 热重启时,如果老连接接收到 OB_MYSQL_COM_PING 命令,老 Proxy 会主动断开连接的问题
【OB Sharding】修复 delete 和 update 的语法解析问题
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