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OceanDAO Tech Tributes

Trent McConaghy edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 7 revisions


The mission of Core Tech WG is: to steward community initiatives towards high-impact technical outcomes. This includes identifying high-priority tech projects, find teams to work on them, and help shepherd those projects to completion.

One approach is Tech Earmarks to give "air cover" in grants. In grants, funds are awarded up-front for the promise of future work. We did that for R11-R18.

"Tributes" is another approach, where funds are awarded upon completion of a well-defined target. It's a bounty: whoever completes the milestone first - including signoff - gets the award. This may be a single individual, a single team, or several teams collaborating to get the award. We use "tribute" not "bounty" to avoid confusion with other Ocean programs.

This page is dedicated to the "Tech Tributes" process.

Target Outcome

The target outcome is: data from Chainlink, TheGraph, Arweave, and Filecoin is available on Ocean Market.

Open tributes:

  • Chainlink - BE - $5K of OCEAN
  • Chainlink - FE - $5K
  • Chainlink - populate - $15K
  • TheGraph - BE - $5K
  • TheGraph - FE - $5K
  • TheGraph - populate - $15K
  • Arweave - BE - $5K
  • Arweave - FE - $5K

TBD whether tributes:

  • Arweave - populate - $15K
  • Filecoin - populate - $15K

Not tributes, because of prior work:

  • Filecoin - BE
  • Filecoin - FE

Detailed Specs

  • Only these networks: Chainlink, TheGraph, Arweave, Filecoin. It’s ok to leverage middleware integrators like Estuary (Filecoin), Textile (Filecoin), Web3 Storage, Filebase, Pinata, and ARdrive (Arweave). Not yet, leave the following for later: Bacalhau, IPFS pinned data, Ceramic, Streamr, more.
  • Integration includes both publishing and consuming.
    • “Publishing” means a dataset or stream is wrapped as an Ocean data NFT or datatoken. It does not need to include storing the asset itself; that can be done from the network’s existing GUIs.
    • “Consuming” means that the consumer can access the data asset, e.g. download data, run compute against it, get a data stream feed, or compute against a stream feed.
  • Backend. Implementing this means that a given stored file or stream is wrapped as an Ocean data NFT plus datatoken. It will include a PR or fork of oceanprotocol/provider (side-by-side with existing data services of uri and C2D), a PR of oceanprotocol/aquarius, a PR of oceanprotocol/ including a README of how to use, and maybe more. Backend users should not have to provide any new tokens to use the network; if needed those tokens should be converted on the fly.
  • Frontend. Implementing this includes a PR to oceanprotocol/market, oceanprotocol/ocean.js, and maybe more. It should be as low-friction to use the new network as existing data services of uri and C2D. Frontend users should not have to provide any new tokens to use the network; if needed those tokens should be converted on the fly. Q: should frontend require “can publish into e.g. Filecoin from Ocean Market”, or more simply “can consume”? A: for storage networks like Filecoin and
  • Populate Ocean Market. The outcome should be: every asset of the new network should be available as a data NFT plus datatoken at the level of Ocean smart contracts, in Aquarius, and in Ocean Market.
  • Ideally: there should be no additional centralization. Practically: using some centralized components that will be decentralized over time is ok too. Eg use arweave's gateway. That is, it's ok for trustless (run it yourself) or convenient (use the one run by OPF or other), but not forcing to have both up front (eg via proxy re-encryption). Just like Ocean Provider.
  • The final judgment call of whether a given specs are met is made by members of Ocean core team. Backend: Trent or Alex. Frontend: Trent or Alex or Matthias or Mihai. Populate: Trent or Alex.
  • It’s only considered “entered” if (a) the “implemented” from above is done, including PR/fork, and (b) an email is sent to [email protected] saying “entered”.


The funds for core tech earmark are directed here. If there are no winning entries in a given month, those funds are held back for bounties in future months. If there are >1 winning entries in a given month, funds will be pulled forward from future months. We go back to regular tech earmarks when (a) all networks have had a winning entry, and (b) books have balanced so no future $ is owed.

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