Use this post at your own risk! Always check the produced code before running it on a real machine!
Cloned and modified from
From original
Inspired by bogan.
Special thanks to Bruno Silva - test part modelling and code testing.
CNCZone discussion link.
Setup (4x): standard 3 axis mill. B axis rotary, along Y, A in zero position. Setup (5x): in testing.
- 3 axis - working
- 4 axis - working / for both repositioning moves and 4x toolpaths
- 5 axis - working (UNTESTED)
- Drill cycles - G81 (drill), G82 (drill+dwell), G83 (peck drilling), Cannes: G85, G86, G89 (UNTESTED)
- 4x indexial use may need some more work to avoid unnecessary retracts to clearance. As of now it's safe but can be made faster w/o retracts.
- Tool offsets and compensation
- Put the .gpp and .vmid files in
. You need to restart SolidWorks for it to pick up the new files. - Usage in SolidCam - Select
for CNC-Machine
Testers needed - any feedback appreciated.