A ClojureScript library that tracks request state in re-frame applications.
Events and subscriptions can be registered seperatly;
(ns app.events
(:require [re-frame-request.core :as rfr]))
(ns app.subscriptions
(:require [re-frame-request.core :as rfr]))
Or you can use the register-all
function to register both subscriptions & events.
(ns app.core
(:require [re-frame-request.core :as rfr]))
Once an event is dispatched that calls the re-frame-request
handler, information about that request will automatically be tracked in application state. Here is an example of an event that uses re-frame-request
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ user-name]]
{:db db
:request {:name :github/get-user
:method :get
:uri (str "https://api.github.com/userss/" user-name)
:response-format (json-response-format)
:on-success [:no-op]
:on-error [:no-op]}}))
Note: This uses the ajax-cljs
under the hood so reference the docs for usage.
The name
property is the only added property used and is required to track a request. It must be a unique keyword for each different request.
On applcation state change, re-frame
interceptors can be used to ensure an application's state is not modified in an unexpected way. By hooking into an interceptor's after function, a user could apply re-frame-request
s spec to help maintain application state integrity.
This idea was inspired by the great folks who wrote re-frame
. Link
(ns app.interceptors.spec
(:require [cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(def ^:private attribution
(defn check-and-throw
^{:doc "Throws an exception if `db` doesn't match the Spec `a-spec`."
:attribution attribution}
[a-spec db]
(when-let [error (s/explain-data a-spec db)]
(js/console.error (clj->js error))))
^{:doc "Ensures the db remains in a valid state"
:attribution attribution}
check-spec-interceptor (re-frame/after
(partial check-and-throw :app.db.core/db)))
Add the spec checking interceptor any event you want to enforce checks on.
(ns app.events.event-ns
(:require [app.interceptors.spec :refer [check-spec-interceptor]])
(fn [db _]
(modify-db db))
Note: Because the way this is setup, you'll be running spec against your entire application state on each change, which could be costly. You may want this feature to be toggled depending on the environment you're running in (Development / QA / Production).
Copyright © 2017 Matt O'Connell
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.