Install dependecncies
$ cd dappStore-eth-ipfs
$ npm install
Run TestRPC
$ ganache-cli
Initialize IPFS node
$ ipfs-daemon
Deploy contract
$ truffle migrate
Start truffle console
$ truffle console
Initialize variables
current_time = Math.round(new Date() / 1000);
amt_1 = web3.toWei(1, 'ether');
Add products to store (an extendd list of products is available in file truffle-interaction.js)
EcommerceStore.deployed().then(function(i) {i.addProductToStore('Leather Bracelet', 'Handmade', 'QmfZmV5TSTMfJLxkSAe5GSgycR66vnrVDY4buppadJ5qXW', 'QmfZmV5TSTMfJLxkSAe5GSgycR66vnrVDY4buppadJ5qXW', current_time, current_time + (4*86400), amt_1, 0, {gas: 1000000, from: web3.eth.accounts[1]}).then(function(f) {console.log(f)})});
Check for item on blockchain
EcommerceStore.deployed().then(function(f) { {console.log(f)})})
Run application
$ npm run dev