Nicer description coming soon(ish), probably. You can download ocModal here. jQuery is required, but just about any version should do the trick; it's not being used for anything super fancy.
<div class="modal hidden" id="demo-modal">
<p>This is a simple modal with just a paragraph and close button in it.</p>
<button class="close">Close</button>
var demoModal = $('#demo-modal');
new window.oc.Modal(demoModal);
// Tell the modal to open
// Later…
To use ocModal, just run new window.oc.Modal(yourModalHtmlElement);
. Once you've initialized your modal, you can tell it to open by triggering the open
event on the element: yourModalHtmlElement.trigger('open');
. By default, instances of ocModal will automatically close if you click off of them, but you can disable this behavior by passing a second reallyModal
parameter: new window.oc.Mocal(yourModalHtmlElement, true);
Even though ocModal will add the default .modal.hidden
classes to the element you pass it, it's highly recommended that you also write them in your HTML to prevent FOUC.
If you need to trigger custom behavior when your modal is opened or closed, you can pass the third and fourth onOpen
and onClose
arguments, which are functions. If you're using Coffeescript, it might be easier (and cleaner-looking) to subclass ocModal instead, please read the "On Subclassing" section below.
new window.oc.Modal(yourModalHtmlElement, false, function() {
// this will run when the modal is opened
}, function() {
// this will run when the modal is closed
If you're using Coffeescript, it can be highly useful to subclass ocModal to provide custom behavior. This way you can have your custom onOpen
and onClose
behavior defined in one place, and add other functionality as needed. Here's an example subclass to give you some ideas:
class CustomModal extends window.oc.Modal
constructor: (@el, reallyModal = false, @onOpen, @onClose, extraStuff)->
unless extraStuff?
throw new Error('CustomModal requires `extraStuff`')
@el.find('.some-element').text extraStuff
@el.find('form').on 'submit', @handleSubmit
handleSubmit: (e) =>
# do custom things with the form (validation or whatever else)
opener: =>
console.log('This is a CustomModal being opened')
closer: =>
console.log('This is a CustomModal being closed')
# now we can call `CustomModal` like normal
customModalElement = $('#some-modal')
new CustomModal(customModalElement, false, null, null, 'hello world')
ocModal was created by Paul Straw for Octopus Creative. It's MIT-licensed (see the license file for more info). Any contribution is absolutely welcome, but please review the contribution guidelines before getting started.