Docker for hosting Odalic server and UI v1.1
You can find the Docker installation files for all major platforms here:
Please note, that Docker for Windows requires Hyper-V, so it cannot run natively on Windows 10 Home or older Windows versions. You have to use the Docker Tools instead:
Odalic requires a working SPARQL endpoint with update rights. An easy way to setup such endpoint is to run the virtuoso Docker image:
docker run --name localKB -p 8890:8890 -e SPARQL_UPDATE=true -e DEFAULT_GRAPH= -d tenforce/virtuoso
To build the Odalic Docker image, execute:
docker build --tag odalic:latest
If you do not have git, you have to download the dockerfile and run:
docker build --tag odalic:latest .
The following Docker command will run the prepared Docker image:
docker run -ti --name odalic --link localKB -p 8080:8080 odalic:latest
The Odalic UI can be now accessed from your favourite browser on localhost:8080/odalic-ui.
If you want to access the odalic installation files and configuration, you have to run the Odalic image in a detached mode:
docker run -d --name odalic --link localKB -p 8080:8080 odalic:latest
You can then start the Linux command line by executing:
docker exec -ti odalic sh
You can generally change a docker container port by changing the "-p" parameter:
-p 8080:[your local port]
You can freely change the local SPARQL endpoint port. It is only used when you access it directly over: http://localhost:8890/sparql.
To change the Odalic port, you have to access the Odalic virtual machine and edit following files:
For more information please consult the Odalic documentation:
Running a Docker image will create a Docker container. You can start/stop the created container like this:
docker start odalic
docker stop odalic
If you want to update your Docker container to a new Odalic version, you have to first stop the existing container. Then remove it by executing:
docker container rm -f odalic
After the container is removed, you can update the image by running the build again:
docker build --tag odalic:latest
For more advanced commands please refer to the Docker documentation