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ofelman authored Jun 7, 2023
0 parents commit f249ad3
Showing 1 changed file with 343 additions and 0 deletions.
343 changes: 343 additions & 0 deletions CVEChecker.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
.Author: Dan Felman/HP Inc
June 7, 2023
CVEChecker lists Softpaqs with CVE vulnerability fixes
Based on a platform and OS Version, CVEChecker finds 'BIOS' and 'Driver' Softpaqs that
contain fixes to vulnerabilities, using information from CVA files
If running without parameters, CVEChecker will find this device's known updates required
to fix CVE listed vulnerabilities. If -ListPrevious option is used, it will report on current and
superseded vulnerabilities
Otherwise, it will list Softpaqs with vulnerabilities based on Platform ID and OS Version
From CVE defines a vulnerability as:
"A weakness in the computational logic (e.g., code) found in software and hardware components that,
when exploited, results in a negative impact to confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
Requires HP Client Management Script Library (CMSL) on the system running the script
HP Business class devices (as supported by HPIA and CMSL)
-Platform < SysID >
-OS < win10|win11>
-OSVer < 1909|2004|2009|21H1|21H2|22H2 >
-ListPrevious -- also check and show previous Softpaqs w/vulnerabilities
-DebugOutput -- [switch] add additional info to output
-NoDots -- [switch] avoid output of '.' while looping (useful when redirecting output)
# check current device for updates that contain CVE security vulnerabilities
# check current device, with ALL output to file - only search current Softpaq versions
CVEChecker.ps1 -NoDots > out.txt
# check for vulnerabilities in current versions of Softpaqs for the specified platform and OS version
CVEChecker.ps1 -platform 880d -OS win10 -OSVer 21H2
CVEChecker.ps1 880d win10 21H2 # these 3 options are positional in this sequence
# check specific platform, include previous Softpaqs versions
CVEChecker.ps1 -platform 880d -OS win10 -OSVer 21H2 -ListPrevious
CVEChecker.ps1 880d win10 21H2 -ListPrevious
# check current platform, check previous Softpaqs and search for Softpaqs with CVE fix
CVEChecker.ps1 -ListPrevious
[Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern('^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}$')]
[Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateSet('win10', 'win11')]
[Parameter(Position = 2)] [ValidateSet('1909','2004','20H1','2009','20H2','21H1','21H2','22H2')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

) # param

$startTime = (Get-Date).DateTime

'CVEChecker -- start time: '+$startTime

# if #Platform not passed as argument, use the current device id
if ( $platform ) {
$Script:ThisPlatformID = $platform
Try {
$Script:ThisPlatformName = (Get-HPDeviceDetails -Platform $Script:ThisPlatformID).name
} Catch {
Write-Warning 'HP CMSL is not available on this device, or device not supported'
return 3
} else {
Try {
$Script:ThisPlatformID = Get-HPDeviceProductID
$Script:ThisPlatformName = Get-HPDeviceModel
} Catch {
Write-Warning 'HP CMSL is not available on this device, or device not supported'
return 4
} # else if ( $platform )

# if $Script:OS not passed as argument, used installed OS
if ( -not $Script:OS ) {
if ( (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber -ge 22000 ) {
$Script:OS = 'win11'
} else {
$Script:OS = 'win10'
} # else if ( (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber -ge 22000 )
} # if ( -not $Script:OS )

# if $Script:OSVer not passed as argument, used installed version
if ( -not $Script:OSVer ) {
switch -Wildcard ( (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).version ) {
'*18363' { $Script:OSVer = '1909' }
'*19041' { $Script:OSVer = '2004' }
'*19042' { $Script:OSVer = '2009' }
'*19043' { $Script:OSVer = '21H1' }
'*19044' { $Script:OSVer = '21H2' }
'*19045' { $Script:OSVer = '22H2' }
'*22000' { $Script:OSVer = '21H2' }
'*22621' { $Script:OSVer = '22H2' }
} # switch -Wildcard ( (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).version )
} # if ( -not $Script:OSVer )

Function Get_CVEListFromCVA
Decodes entries in Softpaq's CVA file that contain CVE entries. The informtion
is usually listed in the [US.Enhancements] section of the CVA file
Parm: $pCVAEnhancementsSection: Softpaq's CVA file [US.Enhancements] section
return: list of CVE entries found in argument
Function Get_CVEListFromCVA {
[CmdletBinding()] param( $pCVAEnhancementsSection, $pPrivateFixes )

$gc_CVEList = @()
if ( $null -ne $pCVAEnhancementsSection ) {
foreach ( $iLine in $pCVAEnhancementsSection ) { # check every line under [US.Enhacemenents] for CVE
$iLine = ($iLine -split ',' ).replace('.','').Trim().split(' ') -match "(CVE-[1-2][0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3,5})"
$gc_CVEList += $iLine
} # foreach ( $iLine in $pCVAEnhancementsSection )
} # if ( $null -ne $pCVAEnhancementsSection )

if ( $null -ne $pPrivateFixes ) {
foreach ( $iLine in $pPrivateFixes ) { # check every line under [US.Enhacemenents] for CVE
$iLine = ($iLine -split ',' ).replace('.','').Trim().split(' ') -match "(CVE-[1-2][0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3,5})"
$gc_CVEList += $iLine
} # foreach ( $iLine in $pPrivateFixes )
} # if ( $null -ne $pPrivateFixes )

return $gc_CVEList # list of CVEs found listed in CVA file or $null
} # Function Get_CVEListFromCVA

Function Check_CVE
This function returns True if the argument matches Softpaq's CVE list
parm: $pCVEList list of CVE entries
$pCVE CVE ID to be matched
return: True if match is found in argument list, False if no match
Function Check_CVE {
[CmdletBinding()] param( $pCVEList, $pCVE )
$cv_matched = $false
if ( $pCVE ) {
foreach ( $iCVE in $pCVEList ) {
if ( $iCVE -match $pCVE ) {
$cv_matched = $True
} # foreach ( $iCVE in $pCVEList )
} # if ( $pCVE )
return $cv_matched
} # Function Check_CVE

Function Check_Previous
traverses the supersede chain and find previous SOftpaqs with CVE entries
Parm: $pSpqID: Softpaq ID to start the traversal,
$pPlatform: Platform M/B ID/SysID
$pSuperseded_Spq: the Softpaq being superseded
Return: List of Softpaqs containing CVE fixes, using supersede chain
Each entry in list contains an array of information about Softpaq
Function Check_Previous {
[CmdletBinding()] param( $pSpqID, $pPlatform, $pSuperseded_Spq )

if ( $DebugOutput ) { ' > Check_Previous()' | out-Host }

$cp_RetEntries = @() # initialize List of returned Softpaqs with CVE vulnerability fixes
$cp_SupersededList = @() # keep track of superseded Softpaqs to search for looper
$cp_supersededSpqID = $pSuperseded_Spq
$cp_currentSpqID = $pSpqID
$cp_SpqMetadata = $null
do {
Try {
$cp_Line = (((get-pscallstack)[0].Location -split ' ')[2])+1
$cp_SpqMetadata = Get-SoftpaqMetadata $cp_supersededSpqID -ErrorAction Stop
if ( $cp_supersededSpqID -in $cp_SupersededList ) {
$cp_SupersededList += $cp_supersededSpqID

$cp_Superseded_SpqVendorVer = $cp_SpqMetadata.General.VendorVersion # this could be '$cp_SpqMetadata.General.Version'
if ( $DebugOutput ) { " > $($cp_currentSpqID) supersedes $($cp_supersededSpqID)/$($cp_SpqMetadata.General.Version)" | out-Host }

# check for this platform validation in CVA file AND that CVEs are found
$cp_Superseded_CVEs = Get_CVEListFromCVA $cp_SpqMetadata.'US.Enhancements'._body
if ( $DebugOutput ) { $cp_Superseded_CVEs | out-host }
$cp_SupportedPlatforms = $cp_SpqMetadata."System Information".Values
if ( ('0x'+$pPlatform -in $cp_SupportedPlatforms) -and $cp_Superseded_CVEs ) {
$cp_Entry = [ordered]@{
SpqID = $cp_supersededSpqID ;
SpqName = $cp_SpqMetadata.'Software Title'.US ;
SpqVersion = $cp_Superseded_SpqVendorVer ;
CVEs = $cp_Superseded_CVEs ;
RelType = $cp_SpqMetadata.Private.Private_ReleaseType }
# add to returned array
$cp_RetEntries += $cp_Entry
} # if ( $cp_Superseded_CVEs )

$cp_currentSpqID = $cp_supersededSpqID
$cp_supersededSpqID = $cp_SpqMetadata.Softpaq.SupersededSoftpaqNumber # let's get the next Softpaq in the list
} Catch {
return $cp_RetEntries
} # Catch Try
} while ( ($cp_supersededSpqID -ne 'none') -and ($cp_currentSpqID -notlike $cp_supersededSpqID) ) # do .. while

if ( $DebugOutput ) { ' < Check_Previous()' | out-Host }
return $cp_RetEntries # return array of entries w/CVE fixes

} # Function Check_Previous

Function Get_SoftpaqCVEs
Parm: $pSpq:
Return: Hash table with info on this Softpaq and CVEs
Function Get_SoftpaqCVEs {
[CmdletBinding()] param( $pSpq, $pSpqMetadata, $pPlatform )

$gs_SoftpaqHash = @{}

$gs_SpqCVEList = Get_CVEListFromCVA $pSpqMetadata.'US.Enhancements'._body $pSpqMetadata.'Private_Fixes'._body
$gs_SupersededSpqID = $pSpqMetadata.Softpaq.SupersededSoftpaqNumber

$gs_prevCVEEntriesArray = Check_Previous $pSpq.ID $pPlatform $gs_SupersededSpqID

if ( ($null -eq $gs_SpqCVEList) -and $gs_prevCVEEntriesArray ) { $gs_SpqCVEList = @() }

if ( $gs_SpqCVEList -or $gs_prevCVEEntriesArray ) {
$gs_SoftpaqHash = [ordered]@{
PlatformID = $pPlatform ;
SpqID = $ ;
SpqName = $pSpq.Name ;
SpqVersion = $pSpq.Version ;
CVEs = $gs_SpqCVEList ; # this is an array of objects
RelType = $pSpq.ReleaseType ;
OS = $Script:OS ;
OSVer = $Script:OSVer
if ( $gs_prevCVEEntriesArray ) {
$gs_SoftpaqHash.PrevCVEs = $gs_prevCVEEntriesArray | sort-object @{ Expression = 'CVEs'; Ascending = $true }
} # if ( $gs_SpqCVEList )

return $gs_SoftpaqHash
} # Function Get_SoftpaqCVEs

# Start of Script

'-- Obtaining Softpaq List for: ['+$Script:ThisPlatformID+'] '+$Script:ThisPlatformName
'-- and OS/Version: '+$Script:OS+'/'+$Script:OSVer
Try {
$SoftpaqList = Get-SoftpaqList -platform $Script:ThisPlatformID -os $Script:OS -OsVer $Script:OSVer -ErrorAction Stop
} Catch {
'Get-SoftpaqList exception: line number '+((get-pscallstack)[0].Location -split " line ")[1]
$error[0].exception # $error[0].exception.gettype().fullname
return 6
# if -platform passed as argument, we are NOT checking 'this' device

$SoftpaqsWithCVEs = @() # List of returned Softpaqs with CVE vulnerability fixes
$SoftpaqEntry = @{}

'-- Checking Current Softpaqs'' CVA files for matches - Please wait...'
foreach ( $Spq in $SoftpaqList ) {

if ( $DebugOutput ) { "-- Cataloging CVEs for Softpaq $($$($Spq.version) $($ " | out-Host }
if ( -not $NoDots ) { Write-Host '.' -NoNewline }

if ( ($Spq.Category -match 'BIOS') -or ($Spq.Category -match 'driver') ) {

$SpqCVEList = $null
$prevCVEEntriesArray = $null

# pull contents from softpaq's CVA file
Try {
$SpqMetadata = Get-SoftpaqMetadata $ -ErrorAction Continue

$SoftpaqEntry = Get_SoftpaqCVEs $Spq $SpqMetadata $Script:ThisPlatformID

if ( $SoftpaqEntry.count -gt 0 ) {
$SoftpaqsWithCVEs += $SoftpaqEntry
if ( $DebugOutput ) { 'adding ...'+$SoftpaqEntry.SpqID+' - count='+$SoftpaqsWithCVEs.count | out-host }
} else {
if ( $DebugOutput ) { 'No CVEs found for '+$SoftpaqEntry.SpqID | out-Host }
} Catch {
$lineNum = ((get-pscallstack)[0].Location -split " line ")[1]
if ( $DebugOutput ) { $Err = $error[0].exception } # OPTIONAL: $error[0].exception.gettype().fullname
if ( $Err -match '404' ) {
if ( $DebugOutput ) { "$($ exception: on line number '+$($lineNum) - missing CVA file" }
} else {
if ( $DebugOutput ) { "$($ Get-SoftpaqMetadata exception: on line number '+$($lineNum)" }
} # Catch Try

} # if ( ($Spq.Category -match 'BIOS') -or ($Spq.Category -match 'driver') )

} # foreach ( $Spq in $SoftpaqList )

# finally report what we found - NOTE: Output can be redirected
if ( -not $NoDots ) {' '}

'-- Platform Softpaqs containing CVE fixes'
foreach ( $r in $SoftpaqsWithCVEs ) { # report on each Softpaq with CVE entries found
'-- '+$r.SpqID+' - '+$r.SpqName+' ['+$r.SpqVersion+'] '+$r.CVAHWID+' ('+$r.RelType+')'+' ['+$r.CVEs +']'
if ( $ListPrevious -and $r.PrevCVEs.CVEs ) {
foreach ( $rCVE in $r.PrevCVEs ) {
' ---> '+$rCVE.SpqID+'/Older ['+$rCVE.SpqVersion+'] '+'('+$rCVE.RelType+')'+' ['+$rCVE.CVEs +']'
} # foreach ( $rCVE in $r.PrevCVEs )
} # if ( $r.PrevCVEs.CVEs )
} # foreach ( $r in $SoftpaqsWithCVEs )

$endTime = get-date
$elapsedTime = New-TimeSpan -Start $startTime -End $EndTime
'-- Script Executed in (min:sec) '+$elapsedTime.Minutes+':'+$elapsedTime.Seconds

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