Solution to all problems I solved in Hackerrank. Please feel free to use.
My primary choice of programming langauge is Java. All the code you find here would mostly be written in Java.
#Why duplicating it here? HackerRank already has a repository where users submission is saved. If someone wants to view the submitted code of a user, they can view it at a cost. Currently the cost is to ignore that submission from the ranking. Tomorrow it might be their Hackos.
- Not everyone wants it, so may be this is a better solution.
- Also, It is very much possible to see a complete view of all the submissions here on one page. If I want that on HackerRank, I have to go to all the problems one by one, and then see its unnecessary clicks (I am lazy to do that).
- I love Github.
#License Use this code as you want it. You can modify, distribute and share partial or complete code without requiring any specific permissions from the author. Cheers!! However, a small acknowledgement or mention would be great. :)