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Spring Data MongoDB Auditing


Hibernate Envers provides Auditing of JPA entities, but no such library provides out of box support for Auditing MongoDB entities. Auditing is a cross-cutting concern, should be kept separate from business logic and available to be applied declaratively. This project provides a simple solution to Audit MongoDB entities. Requires Java 21, Spring boot 3.2.0+ and MongoDB 4.2+.


All code responsible for auditing is in com.ksoot.mongodb package.

  • Auditable is an Annotation to be used to make MongoDB entity classes eligible for Auditing. The entity classes not annotated with Auditable will not be audited.
  • AuditingMongoEventListener is the main class responsible for auditing. While application startup it finds all collections enabled for Auditing and creates Audit collections for same and prepare Audit metadata for each collection such as Version field name, Audit collection name, etc. Then it listens to eligible Entity object changes and creates Audit records.
  • MongoDBConfig is custom configuration class for MongoDB.
  • AuditEvent is class to persist and retrieve Audit records. It defines following fields
    • id : Unique identifier for Audit record.
    • datetime : OffsetDateTime when the change happened.
    • actor : Audit Username if available in SecurityContextHolder, otherwise it will be set as SYSTEM.
    • revision : Autoincrement numeric value for each change to a particular record.
    • type : Type of change to a record such as CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED.
    • collectionName : Source MongoDB collection name.
    • source : Snapshot of Audited record.
  • MongoDBModule registers custom serializer for MongoDB ObjectId, otherwise the id attribute is not properly serialized.
  • MongoAuditProperties maps to configuration properties defined in or application.yml.
  • AuditHistoryRepository provides implementation of repository method to fetch a Page of Audit history.
  • AuditHistoryController provides implementation of API to get a Page of Audit history


Following are the configuration properties to customize MongoDB Auditing behaviour.

      - com.ksoot
      enabled: true
      without-transaction: false
      suffix: _aud
  • application.mongodb.entity-base-packages : List of packages to scan for MongoDB entities, Default: Main class package name.
  • application.mongodb.auditing.enabled : Whether or not to enable MongoDB Auditing, Default: true. If required Auditing can be disabled by setting it to false.
  • application.mongodb.auditing.without-transaction : Whether or not to do Auditing without Transactions, Default: false,
  • application.mongodb.auditing.prefix : Audit collection name prefix, Default: .
  • application.mongodb.auditing.suffix : Audit collection name suffix, Default: _aud.

How it works

  • Only the entity classes annotated with Auditable will be audited.
  • Audit collection name can either be specified in Auditable annotation (e.g. @Auditable(name = "audit_logs")) or it will be derived from source collection name, prefixed and suffixed with values defined in application.mongodb.auditing.prefix and application.mongodb.auditing.suffix respectively.
  • If it is required to Audit all collections in a single Audit collection then Auditable annotation can be used with same name attribute value for all entity classes.
  • On application startup it scans all the packages defined in application.mongodb.entity-base-packages for MongoDB entities annotated with Auditable.
  • For each such entity class it creates Audit collection with name as per settings and prepares Audit metadata.
  • It listens to all changes to eligible entity classes and creates Audit records, whenever new records are created, existing records are updated or deleted.
  • For newly created records type attribute of Audit record will be CREATED, for updated records type attribute will be UPDATED and for deleted records type attribute will be DELETED.
  • source attribute of Audit record will contain the snapshot of the record after update. While deleting the record, the source will only contain _id of deleted record.
  • It is recommended to use a version field annotated with @Version in entity classes to avoid concurrent updates. It expects a Long version field to differentiates between newly created records and already existing updated record. In absence of version field type attribute of Audit record will be UPDATED for newly created and updated records as well.
  • Eligible Entity class object's changes are detected in listeners defined in AuditingMongoEventListener and Audit records are created as per the change type. On creation or updation of Entity objects
@EventListener(condition = "@auditMetaData.isPresent(#event.getCollectionName())")
public void onAfterSave(final AfterSaveEvent<?> event) {

On deletion of Entity objects

@EventListener(condition = "@auditMetaData.isPresent(#event.getCollectionName())")
public void onAfterDelete(final AfterDeleteEvent<?> event) {
  • The Audit Username is retrieved from SecurityContextHolder if available, otherwise it will be set as SYSTEM.
  • It is highly recommended to put the CRUD operation in a Transaction using Spring's @Transactional (Refer to Service) to update source collection and create audit entry atomically. But If required application.mongodb.auditing.without-transaction can be set to true then Auditing will be done without Transactions.
  • Spring uses ApplicationEventMulticaster internally to publish Entity change events. With Transactions, make sure ApplicationEventMulticaster is not configured to use AsyncTaskExecutor to publish events asynchronously, because the Transaction would not be propagated to Entity change listeners and Auditing would fail in this case.
  • It is recommended to use OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime for datetime attribute of Audit record to avoid any timezone related issues. Custom converters and Codecs are configured for the same in MongoDBConfig.
  • Audit history is logged as follows. Audit Date


You can copy the classes from com.ksoot.mongodb package to your project and use them as it is or do any changes as per your requirements.


Clone this repository, import in your favourite IDE as either Maven or Gradle project. Though the application is built using Java 21, but you can update Java version to Java 17 also as follows.

Maven pom.xml


Gradle build.gradle

java {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17

Docker compose

Application is bundled with Spring boot Docker compose.

  • If you have docker installed, then simply run the application in docker profile by passing as program argument from your IDE.
  • Depending on your current working directory in IDE, you may need to change spring.docker.compose.file=spring-boot-mongodb-auditing/compose.yml to spring.docker.compose.file=compose.yml in application-docker.yml
  • Make sure the host ports mapped in Docker compose file are available or change the ports and do the respective changes in database configurations application-docker.yml

Explicit MongoDB installation

Change to your MongoDB URI in application.yml file as follows.

      uri: <Your MongoDB URI>


MongoDB replica set is required for Transactions to work. Refer to MongoDB Replica Set for more details.


curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8080/v1/products' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "name": "iPhone 15 mini",
  "description": "iPhone",
  "tags": [
  "attributes": {
    "size": "mini",
    "color": "black"
  • Update existing Product, replace 60f0b0b0e3b9a91e8c7b0b0b with your Product id
curl -X 'PATCH' \
'http://localhost:8080/v1/products/60f0b0b0e3b9a91e8c7b0b0b' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "description": "iPhone Handset"
  • Delete existing Product, replace 60f0b0b0e3b9a91e8c7b0b0b with your Product id
curl -X 'DELETE' \
  'http://localhost:8080/v1/products/60f0b0b0e3b9a91e8c7b0b0b' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8080/v1/audit-history?collectionName=products&page=0&size=16' \
  -H 'accept: */*'

Spring Data MongoDB Full-Text search


Text search refers to the ability to perform Full-text searches on string content in your documents. MongoDB provides a text search feature that allows to search for documents that contain a specified sequence of words or phrases.



  • TextIndexed: The candidate fields for text search should be annotated with @TextIndexed as defined in Product entity class as follows. @TextIndexed marks a field to be part of the text index. weight attribute defines the significance of the filed relative to other indexed fields. The value directly influences the documents score. As there can be only one text index per collection all fields marked with @TextIndexed are combined into one single index.
  • TextScore: A field marked with @TextScore is also required, to map the text score that MongoDB assigns to documents during a text search. The text score represents the relevance of a document to a given text search query.
@Document(collection = "products")
public class Product extends AbstractEntity {

  @TextIndexed(weight = 3)
  private String name;

  @TextIndexed(weight = 1)
  private String description;

  @TextIndexed(weight = 2)
  private List<String> tags;

  private Map<String, String>

  private Float score;


ProductRepository provides implementation for Full-text search as follows.

public Page<Product> findPage(final List<String> phrases, final Pageable pageRequest) {
  Query query = new Query();
  if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(phrases)) {
    TextCriteria criteria = TextCriteria.forDefaultLanguage();
    criteria.matchingAny(phrases.toArray(new String[phrases.size()]));
    query = TextQuery.queryText(criteria).sortByScore();

  final long totalRecords = this.mongoOperations.count(query, Product.class);
  if (totalRecords == 0) {
    return Page.empty();
  } else {
    final Pageable pageable =
        totalRecords <= pageRequest.getPageSize()
            ? PageRequest.of(0, pageRequest.getPageSize(), pageRequest.getSort())
            : pageRequest;
    final List<Product> products = this.mongoOperations.find(query.with(pageable), Product.class);
    return new PageImpl<>(products, pageable, totalRecords);


Access Demo Full-text search API at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?urls.primaryName=Product to search for Products.

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8080/v1/products?phrases=mobile&page=0&size=16' \
  -H 'accept: */*'


Rajveer Singh, In case you find any issues or need any support, please email me at [email protected]



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