bigIP_backendScan is a tool that can be used to scan internal IP:Port used in a F5 BigIP load-balancing pool.
It exploit a weakness in the default configuration of F5 BigIP land-balancer that make BigIP write in a encoded way IP:port of the server on which a session is assigned inside a lad-balancer pool. This information can be decoded by the client to know which port and internal IP are used.
This article expose more details about this subject :
##How to use it
To use the default parameters that makes 50 requests to a web target to get all servers inside a cluster, just use bigIP_backendScan as follow : -u https://mytarget.tld
To make more request (e.g. 100 instead of 50), use the "-r" parameter" : -u http://mytarget.tld:8080 -r 100
To check on a non-default named cookie, that normally contains "BigIP_", use the "-n" parameter : -u https://mytarget.tld:443 -n customBigIPCookieName