Creating a weather app using the API from and trying to replicate one of the two designs given from Technigo.
First problem that came, was the implementation of the API in the JS script. The documentation were provided, but it was still not clear to me what I have to do to make it work. After I understood what I had to do, I pretty fast made the today's weather. This gave me a confidance boost. I thought this project is going to be easy, until I had to display the forecast. My problem here was at first to filter the data to just display four das and not every single data point. Next I had some issues displaying the lowest and highest temperature for the forecast. Either it showed for all four days the same temperature or I only got one day right and the rest was "Infinity° / -Infinity°C. At the end I realized the sunset and sunrise time was not in local time and I had to adjust that as well. This project took more time than I anticipated.
I definitely didn't go for the stretch goals, even though I wanted. If I had more time, I might have done more. The only stretch goal I did was the additional cities.