Repositório base para utilização de Terraform em CI/CD na cloud Azure.
- revisão das variavies dos ambinetes
az account set -s "NAME OF SUBSCRIPTION"
# Create a service principal with required parameter
# Using Cloud shell at it's working good
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $spName --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID
# Guarde em um lugar seguro as informações do output
# Login utilizando AZ CLI
az login
az account set -s ""
# Terraform Init
terraform init -upgrade --input=false
# Environment: Development
terraform plan -out="plan.tfplan" -var-file="variables/development.tfvars" -var sp_client_secret="00000000-1111-2222-3333-00000000"
# Environment: Productiton
terraform plan -out="plan.tfplan" -var-file="variables/production.tfvars"
# Upload Terraform state to blob container
CONNECTION_STRING='connection from azure storage'
az storage blob upload --auth-mode key \
--connection-string=$CONNECTION_STRING \
--container-name terraform \
--name project.tfstate \
--file terraform.tfstate
Utilize o padrão git "ref=" para definir, tag, commit ou branch"
module "terraform_infra" {
source = "[email protected]:ohkillsh/killsh-module-terraform-base-infra.git?ref=main"
sp_client_id = "Defina - application_id / client_id"
sp_object_id = "Defina - object_id"
product = "killsh"
environment = "global"
location = "eastus"
user_tags = var.tags