This project's goal is to provide the precompiled binary of openssl
in OpenHarmony
- arm64-v8a
- armeabi-v7a
- x86_64
git clone
We can use it with ohpm.
ohpm install @ohos-rs/openssl --save-dev
Edit your CMakeLists.txt
in your project and add those code:
set(OPENSSL_ROOT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../oh_modules/@ohos-rs/openssl)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(entry PRIVATE OpenSSL::Crypto OpenSSL::SSL)
You can release package locally. Just run command:
bash ./scripts/
It will generate a .har
package in current path. You can import it with file
For the crate openssl-sys
, you can use it like be here:
# for arm64-v8a
export AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_OHOS_OPENSSL_DIR="/path/to/ohos-openssl/prelude/arm64-v8a/"
# for armeabi-v7a
export ARMV7_UNKNOWN_LINUX_OHOS_OPENSSL_DIR="/path/to/ohos-openssl/prelude/armeabi-v7a/"
# for x86_64
export X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_OHOS_OPENSSL_DIR="/path/to/ohos-openssl/prelude/x86_64/"
Use branch 111
We can't guarantee that the code will run prior to rust-openssl's