This program is a script meant to be called from Telegraf which queries RealTimeTrains' UK train API, and counts cancelled, late and on-time trains per-day in an sqlite database. It outputs the data in a format readable from Telegraf and I intend to use it to feed in to Influx, and draw pretty graphs of cancelled trains in Grafana.
- telegraf
- python 3
- python module "requests"
- API account with realtimetrains
- Clone this repository somewhere sensible (/opt/RTT_API will work)
- Install Telegraf (
- Set up Telegraf to report in to InfluxDB
- Put the following in your /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:
commands = [ "/bin/bash /opt/RTT_API/ rttapi_username rttapi_password stationcode"]
timeout = "60s"
name_suffix = "traindata"
data_format = "logfmt"
- replace /opt/RTT_API/ with the location of in this repository
- replace rttapi_username and rttapi_password with your credentials from
- replace stationcode with the station code of the station you wish to monitor (eg: bex for Bexhill). Find a list here: