… is a minimal and monochromatic Neovim theme inspired by the notorious blue screen of death and dedicated to error 0xA, IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
Example: Lines 66–87 from linux/security/[email protected] rendered in foot at 80 × 24 featuring Intel One Mono at 10.5 pt, nvim-treesitter, Lualine and Indent Blankline
- Neovim 0.9.0 or later
- A terminal emulator that supports 24-bit RGB color, italics and undercurls
This theme is optimized for the following option values:
vim.opt.colorcolumn = ""
vim.opt.cursorcolumn = false
vim.opt.cursorline = true
vim.opt.cursorlineopt = "number"
vim.opt.number = true
Should you prefer a different combination of option values, this theme may not work well for you.
Please follow the instructions for your favorite package manager.
colorscheme blue-screen
To promote aesthetic consistency, Ryoko may update highlight groups for some plugins that she uses. This theme accounts for the following plugins:
Because the Neovim ecosystem is unstable and changing rapidly, Ryoko prefers to minimize cognitive load than to maintain backward compatibility. She will keep deprecated highlight groups for at least:
- Neovim: one minor version
- stable semantically versioned plugins: one major version
- nonversioned or unstable plugins: two months
Blue Screen is free and open source software licensed under the MIT license.