The server uses uvicorn
to launch the agent server. Install uvicorn
by running the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command to launch the agent server
cd code
uvicorn server:app --host --port 8132
The frontend will send request to the 8132 port, so make sure not to change the port number.
You can run the following command to find the process occupying port number 8132 (may require sudo to see it), and kill it afterwards.
lsof -i :8132
set up openchat model
pip3 install ochat
python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model openchat/openchat_3.5 --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray --tensor-parallel-size 1
You can choose the num of gpus using parameter "--tensor-parallel-size "
Need model tokenizer for calculating tokens of chunk or controlling
先运行 生成一下 tfidf 要用的 features.p,之后运行 就可以
You can choose form "openchat-3.5", "mixtral", "mistral-0.2", "vicuna-1.5", "chatglm3" Write the model name in config file
You are supposed to export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_key" before use GPT-4 model
crontab -l
# Add the following line
0 10 * * 1-5 {work_dir}/survey_agent/code/