In this course we will learn the tools needed to build modern web apps with react.
We will work together to make an exemplar web app that utilizes all the tools we learn. The app will be a resource platform, aggregating various books, videos, and articles about a particular tech topic. It will need to support the following:
- input from the user for the topic they are interested in. This could be in the form of free text, or selecting from a curated list
- integrating and retrieving items from various sources to get the latest/most popular matches based on the provided user search
- displaying that content to the user in a useful way (e.g if video, should be playable)
- user should interact with the results in some other way, perhaps save for later?
Some example sources to integrate with:
Needed Javascript to do React:
- es6
- classes
Intro to react
- functional component and props
- jsx
- create-react-app
- class based components and state
- forms
- Review class materials and work on project
- review react docs main concepts section
- component lifecycle methods
- review docs on component lifecycle
- work on project
- ajax in react
- antd
- lifting state up
- styled components
- react-router
- review class materials
- work on project
- redux intro
- work on project
- modifying our existing app with redux and redux thunk