This repository contains a bunch of different script to deploy the infrastructure used in the Querido Diário project. Terraform is used to deploy all the Digital Ocean infrastructure used to run the workloads. The Terraform script deploy a database, Kubernetes cluster, digital ocean spaces (s3ish storage) and everything necessary to support the project applications.
Once you have the base infrastructure in place, Helm charts are used to deploy the some applications required to run our workloads.
First of all, it is necessary sipping up the base infrastructure. For that, you
can go to the terraform
directory and initialize the Terraform working directory.
It will create some initial files, downloads providers and everything else that
is necessary to run the deploy. After the initialization, you can run the command
to ask Terraform to plan the changes in your infrastructure and then, apply it.
All the commands for the previously described process is:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
After this process, if everything run successfully, you will have a kubeconfig
file inside the terraform
directory. This file, give you access to the Kubernetes
cluster deployed. This file is used in the further step to install some base
applications needed by the project. For that, you export the KUBECONFIG
variable or copy the file to the $HOME/.kube/config
file. To export the environment
variable you can use a command similar to this:
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/the/querido-diario-automation/repo/terraform/kubeconfig
Once you did that, if you have the kubectl
installed in the local machine, check
if you have access to the cluster:
kubectl get nodes
Now you have the infrastructure in place, you can start deploy some apps in the cluster. In this documentation we will show how to deploy two requirements to run the Querido Diário project: Nginx ingress controller and Elasticsearch.
Nginx ingress controller is used to give access to services running inside the cluster to the external world. For that, we will create some required resources to run in our cloud provider (Digital Ocean) and than run the helm command to install the Nginx Ingress Controller chart:
kubectl apply -f
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
Elasticsearch (a.k.a. ES) is our search index of choice. Querido Diário index all the crawled documents in a ES index. So, we need to deploy it in our cluster as well. We will use again the Helm chart available in the Elastic (ES main developer) repository:
helm repo add elastic
helm install elasticsearch --version 7.12.1 elastic/elasticsearch
Once you follow all these steps you should have the base infrastructure used to run Querido Diário workloads.