DOS space shooter in ASCII. To run, just download the latest release (single spaceass.exe
file) and run it through DosBox.
- Unpack copy of Borland's TurboC somewhere.
- Pull this repository into a working copy.
- Make a copy of
and update it's contents to match Your environment. - Run DosBox so it sees
and Your working copy. For example (more lines for better readability):
start "Space Assault dev" # give the window nice title
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" # path to Your DosBox installation
-c "mount C C:\Data\projects\dos" # path mounted to DosBox's C:, must contain both turbox and working copy
-c "C:" -c "cd spaceass" # after starting DosBox, switch to C:/spaceass (in mounted filesystem)
-c "set PATH=C:\turboc\bin" # make DOS see the "make" utility
-noconsole # do not open underlying console window for DosBox
- Simply type
to recompile and build the project.