SwitchHosts v4.0.0-beta.1
This is the fourth version of SwitchHosts! 🎉
This version has made a lot of changes internally, almost all of the code has been rewritten, some unreasonable places have been fixed, and a new UI and architecture have been added to facilitate subsequent improvements and extensions.
It is still in the beta stage. Some functions have not been implemented, such as Alfred support. There may be some unknown issues. If you find out, please submit an issue or pull request, thank you very much!
Happy switching!
这是 SwitchHosts 的第四个版本!🎉
这个版本在内部做了很多改变,代码几乎全部重写了,修复了一些不合理的地方,同时有了新的 UI 以及架构,方便后续进一步改进扩展。
目前还是 beta 阶段,一些功能还没有实现,比如 Alfred 支持等,可能还有一些未知的问题,如果你发现了,请提交 issue 或者 pull request,非常感谢!
祝 Switch 愉快!