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Add processing scripts and resulting IMMA files for the EEIC obs.
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philip-brohan committed Sep 28, 2015
1 parent 854c561 commit b9eb3e7
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Showing 2,227 changed files with 936,163 additions and 1 deletion.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
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# Weather observations from English East India Company ships.

Empty file added analysis/anomaly_map/.access^
Empty file.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/anoms.pp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/anoms_at_monthly.pp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/anoms_pre_monthly.pp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/anoms_sst_monthly.pp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/anoms_ws_monthly.pp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/at_anomaly.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added analysis/anomaly_map/at_anomaly.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions analysis/anomaly_map/make_anomaly_fields.perl
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# Make a 2x2 degree Nobs PP field from the EIC data.

use strict;
use IMMA;
use PP;
use List::Util qw(sum);

# Use the MDS functions to make normals for the data
use lib "../utility_scripts";
use Normals2;
use lib "$ENV{MDS2}/libraries/pentads/source";
use Pentads;

my %Normals;
$Normals{'NAT'} = get_normals('NAT');
$Normals{'SST'} = get_normals('SST');
$Normals{'PRE'} = get_normals('PRE');
$Normals{'WS'} = get_normals('WS');

# Make the PP field
my $pp_grid = pp_create(
lbyr => 1790,
lbmon => 1,
lbdat => 1,
lbyrd => 1835,
lbmond => 12,
lbdatd => 31,
lbnpt => 180,
lbrow => 90,
lbcode => 2,
lbrel => 2,
lbfc => 16,
bgor => 0,
bplat => 90.0,
bplon => 0.0,
lbtim => 21,
bzy => -91,
bdy => 2,
bzx => -181,
bdx => 2,
bmdi => -1.0e30,
lblrec => 180 * 90,
bmks => 1,

my %Obs;

# Read in the IMMA records
while ( my $Ob = imma_read( \*ARGV ) ) {
if ( defined( $Ob->{YR} )
&& defined( $Ob->{MO} )
&& defined( $Ob->{DY} )
&& defined( $Ob->{LON} )
&& defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) )
my ( $Lat_i, $Lon_i ) = i_from_ll( $Ob->{LAT}, $Ob->{LON}, $pp_grid );
my $Pentad =
pentad_from_date( sprintf( "%02d/%02d", $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY} ) );
my $Penday =
penday_from_date( sprintf( "%02d/%02d", $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY} ) );

# AT
my $Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{NAT}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{AT} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{NAT}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{AT} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{SST}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{SST} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{SST}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{SST} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{PRE}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{SLP} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{PRE}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{SLP} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{WS}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{W} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{WS}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{W} - $Nm;

# Output NAT file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{NAT}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{NAT}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*STDOUT );

# Output SST file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{SST}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{SST}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*STDOUT );

# Output PRE file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{PRE}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = mean( @{ $Obs{PRE}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*STDOUT );

# Output WS file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{WS}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{WS}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*STDOUT );

# Gat an index location in the PP grid from a lat/lon pair
sub i_from_ll {
my ( $Lat, $Lon, $pp ) = @_;
my $Lat_i = int( ( ( $Lat - $pp->{bzy} ) / $pp->{bdy} ) ) - 1;
my $DiffL = ( $Lon - $pp->{bzx} );
if ( $DiffL > 360 ) { $DiffL -= 360; }
if ( $DiffL < -360 ) { $DiffL += 360; }
my $Lon_i = int( ( $DiffL / $pp->{bdx} ) ) - 1;
return ( $Lat_i, $Lon_i );

sub mean {
return sum(@_) / scalar(@_);

# Robust statistical estimator
sub trimmed_mean {
my @Data = sort { $a <=> $b } @_;
if ( scalar(@Data) < 1 ) { return; }
my $Trim_count = int( scalar(@Data) * .2 );
my @D2;
for ( my $i = $Trim_count ; $i < scalar(@Data) - $Trim_count ; $i++ ) {
push @D2, $Data[$i];
return sum(@D2) / scalar(@D2);

193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions analysis/anomaly_map/make_anomaly_fields_monthly.perl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@

# Make a 2x2 degree Nobs PP field from the EIC data.

use strict;
use IMMA;
use PP;
use List::Util qw(sum);

# Use the MDS functions to make normals for the data
use lib "../utility_scripts";
use Normals2;
use lib "$ENV{MDS2}/libraries/pentads/source";
use Pentads;

my %Normals;
$Normals{'NAT'} = get_normals('NAT');
$Normals{'SST'} = get_normals('SST');
$Normals{'PRE'} = get_normals('PRE');
$Normals{'WS'} = get_normals('WS');

# Make the PP field
my $pp_grid = pp_create(
lbyr => 1790,
lbmon => 1,
lbdat => 1,
lbyrd => 1835,
lbmond => 12,
lbdatd => 31,
lbnpt => 180,
lbrow => 90,
lbcode => 2,
lbrel => 2,
lbfc => 16,
bgor => 0,
bplat => 90.0,
bplon => 0.0,
lbtim => 21,
bzy => -91,
bdy => 2,
bzx => -181,
bdx => 2,
bmdi => -1.0e30,
lblrec => 180 * 90,
bmks => 1,

# Output files
open( DOUT_SST, ">anoms_sst_monthly.pp" ) or die;
open( DOUT_AT, ">anoms_at_monthly.pp" ) or die;
open( DOUT_PRE, ">anoms_pre_monthly.pp" ) or die;
open( DOUT_WS, ">anoms_ws_monthly.pp" ) or die;

# Read in the IMMA records
my @Records;
while ( my $Ob = imma_read( \*ARGV ) ) {
if ( defined( $Ob->{YR} )
&& defined( $Ob->{MO} )
&& defined( $Ob->{DY} )
&& defined( $Ob->{LON} )
&& defined( $Ob->{LAT} ) )
push @{ $Records[ $Ob->{MO} ] }, $Ob;

# Seperately for each month
for ( my $month = 1 ; $month <= 12 ; $month++ ) {

my %Obs;
foreach my $Ob ( @{ $Records[$month] } ) {

$pp_grid->{lbmon} = $month;
$pp_grid->{lbmond} = $month;

my ( $Lat_i, $Lon_i ) = i_from_ll( $Ob->{LAT}, $Ob->{LON}, $pp_grid );
my $Pentad =
pentad_from_date( sprintf( "%02d/%02d", $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY} ) );
my $Penday =
penday_from_date( sprintf( "%02d/%02d", $Ob->{MO}, $Ob->{DY} ) );

# AT
my $Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{NAT}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{AT} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{NAT}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{AT} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{SST}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{SST} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{SST}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{SST} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{PRE}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{SLP} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{PRE}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{SLP} - $Nm;
$Nm =
daily_normal( $Normals{WS}, $Ob->{LON}, $Ob->{LAT}, $Pentad,
$Penday );
if ( defined($Nm) && defined( $Ob->{W} ) ) {
push @{ $Obs{WS}[$Lat_i][$Lon_i] }, $Ob->{W} - $Nm;

# Output NAT file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{NAT}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] =
trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{NAT}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*DOUT_AT );

# Output SST file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{SST}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] =
trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{SST}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*DOUT_SST );

# Output PRE file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{PRE}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = mean( @{ $Obs{PRE}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*DOUT_PRE );

# Output WS file
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $pp_grid->{lbrow} ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $pp_grid->{lbnpt} ; $j++ ) {
if ( defined( $Obs{WS}[$i][$j][0] ) ) {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] =
trimmed_mean( @{ $Obs{WS}[$i][$j] } );
else {
$pp_grid->{data}->[$i][$j] = $pp_grid->{bmdi};
$pp_grid->write_to_file( \*DOUT_WS );


# Gat an index location in the PP grid from a lat/lon pair
sub i_from_ll {
my ( $Lat, $Lon, $pp ) = @_;
my $Lat_i = int( ( ( $Lat - $pp->{bzy} ) / $pp->{bdy} ) ) - 1;
my $DiffL = ( $Lon - $pp->{bzx} );
if ( $DiffL > 360 ) { $DiffL -= 360; }
if ( $DiffL < -360 ) { $DiffL += 360; }
my $Lon_i = int( ( $DiffL / $pp->{bdx} ) ) - 1;
return ( $Lat_i, $Lon_i );

sub mean {
return sum(@_) / scalar(@_);

# Robust statistical estimator
sub trimmed_mean {
my @Data = sort { $a <=> $b } @_;
if ( scalar(@Data) < 1 ) { return; }
my $Trim_count = int( scalar(@Data) * .2 );
my @D2;
for ( my $i = $Trim_count ; $i < scalar(@Data) - $Trim_count ; $i++ ) {
push @D2, $Data[$i];
return sum(@D2) / scalar(@D2);


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