Inspired by Sal Khan's chapter on "No-Frills Videos" in his book One World Schoolhouse and Innovations For Learning's TeacherMate system, Video Books are tool for delivering a reading from a book to early grade readers when the teacher's time is best spent doing activities directly with the students as opposed to standing in front of a class and lecturing. Video Books cost little to produce and require very little knowledge of computers to produce. In this manual we have written guides on how to produce video books for various platforms. This manual is a work in progress so please do feel free to fork and send us a pull request or speak up in this manual's issue queue. If you help out we'll happily add you to the Credits. Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing your own video book!
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- How to create Video Books using a computer with Microsoft Windows
- Accesories for enhancing your Video Book production
This manual is not only a resource to learn about Video Books but also an experiment in writing documentation on GitHub. Anyone is free to fork this document, make their own changes, and send a pull request our way. When we accept your pull request we'll put your name in the credits below with a link to your GitHub profile. So please do feel free to fork and send us pull requests :-).
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- Sal Khan's chapter on "No-Frills Videos" in his book One World Schoolhouse
- Innovations For Learning's TeacherMate Differentiated Instruction System