couchbase-lite-java-listener with CORS enable for rapid developpement with Couchbase-Lite-PhoneGap-Plugin
This provides a webserver wrapper around Couchbase-Lite so that it can be called via HTTP REST calls.
This can be added either via a source dependency or a maven artifact dependency.
See the couchbase-lite-android-liteserv, which provides an example with both dependency styles.
Couchbase-lite android depends on the Tiny Java Web Server and Servlet Container. See libs-src/ for more details.
If you are connecting to CBLiteListener from a client that uses Ektorp, you may run into issues: issue #5, issue #7, or issue #8.
The workaround is to call:
StdHttpClient.Builder builder = new StdHttpClient.Builder().host(hostName).port(port).useExpectContinue(false);
(the key point being to use useExpectContinue(false)
cd libraries
git clone
mv settings.gradle.sample settings.gradle
./gradlew build