These color schemes are for PHPStorm 2.x. They are (to my knowledge) complete for every language PHPStorm supports. The original documentation about the Solarized color schemes can be found here:
I recommend using the font "Inconsolata" with this color scheme.
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts. Create a new color scheme called "Solarized Light" and another called "Solarized Dark".
Click Apply.
Search your hard drive for a file called "Solarized Light.xml"
Replace that file and the one called "Solarized Dark.xml" with the ones in my github repository.
On a Mac, you'll find that file at
~/Library/Preferences/WebIDE10/colors/Solarized Dark.xml
On Linux the file is located at
~/.WebIde10/config/colors/Solarized Dark.xml
On Windows, the files are located in
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your username>\.WebIde10\config\colors
Because frankly, I think that's a really crappy way of packaging things and I won't support it. Sorry.