- Elementary class Location.
- Abstract class Person.
- Elementary class Mob.
- Determine action and skill structure.
- Start write connection class.
- General issues:
- Need add Loot class;
- Need add Chat.
- Location class:
- Relief;
- Pathfinding.
- Person class:
- Element of atack and defense;
- Player actions handler;
- Level and experience system;
- Skill tree;
- Equipment;
- List of passive skills;
- Event to change stats;
- Inventory;
- Riding;
- Network class:
- Development of communication protocols;
- Reception and transmission of data to multiple streams; Done! (may be)
- Server load testing.
- Loot class:
- Add derived class of Equip;
- Some options of loot;
- Database:
- Table with accaunts; Done!
- Table with mobs; Done!
- Table with players; Done!
- List of skills (only C#).
- Table with loots;
That's all!! New changes will be marked Done! in list.
Wow, wow, wow... Someone else... The most important thing - NEED ADD GAME CLIENT
P.S. Protocol must transmit:
- registration; Done!
- login; Done!
- create person; Done!
- delete person; Done!
- select person (go to the world);
- using actions and skills;
- stats upgrade;
- skills upgrade;
- change equip;
- using loot.