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OII ranking

Instructions on how to build the videos for the ranking of the OII.


  • Python3 + manim + manim's dependencies
  • A ranking file ./ranking.csv with columns: position, username, name, school, city, province, medal, class, po. If the po column is missing, no participant will be considered a PO.
  • A folder with the cmsRankingWebServer or terry or quizms data (./ranking/)
  • A folder with all the faces (./faces/username.jpg)
  • A folder with all the screenshots (./screenshots/username/date.png). If screenshots are missing, you can auto-generate placeholders if files ./screenshots/background.png and ./screenshots/filler.png are given. Auto-generation requires several minutes and will not be performed if files matching pattern 20*00.0.png are already found in ./screenshots/.


Install manim

mkvirtualenv manim
pip install manim

Preprocess data

For cms data:


For terry and/or quizms data:

./ -t

Now inside of ./output there is some preprocessed data. In particular, the images of the faces have been normalized by cropping a square in the center and stored in ./output/faces. This process is not perfect and can be manually tuned by replacing the images inside that folder. ./ won't overwrite them.

Render a medal

Put your settings in ./ and run one of the following commands to render the video:

manim render -ql ./ Slide  # preview quality
manim render -qh ./ Slide  # final render

The rendered video is stored at ./media/videos/slide/.

Note that this will render only the contestants with the medal specified in You will need to update and run the above commands three times, one for each medal color.

Render overlays

A few handy overlays are also provided: Countdown and NameMarker. To render them:

manim render -qh -t ./ [overlay]

They will prompt for the needed input parameters.


Scripts to generate ranking videos / slideshows



