We consider a two-species static occupancy model à la Rota et al. (2016). We simulate data from this model, and fit the model to these data using Unmarked
. With the Rmd file, you can run the code in RStudio and reproduce the results.
Ignoring the site index, we use the following notation for the occupancy probabilities:
is the prob. that species 1 and species 2 are both present;
is the prob. that species 1 is present and species 2 is absent;
is the prob. that species 1 is absent and species 2 is present;
is the prob. that species 1 and species 2 are both absent, with avec
The marginal probabilities of occupancy are:
And the conditional probabilities given that :
We will use the package mipfb
to simulate occupancy state as a multivariate Bernoulli random variable; more about the multivariate Bernoulli can be found in Dai et al. (2013):
For reproducibility, we set the seed:
Choose the number of species, the number of sites, and the number of visits:
S <- 2 # nb species
N <- 500 # nb sites
J <- 5 # nb visits
Let's consider a scenario in which species 2 avoids species 1 while species 1 does not care about species 2 and its presence or absence. To specify this scenario, we will work out the conditional probabilities with, for example:
, species 2 is present with high probability whenever species 1 is absent
, species 2 avoids species 1 when it is present
, species 1 does not care about presence/absence of species 2
Now we need to go back to the occupancy probabilities. Let ,
so that
, then we have a system of 3 equations with 3 unknowns:
which can be solved with the Mathematica online solver:
psi01 <- 81/175
psi10 <- 36/175
psi11 <- 4/175
psi00 <- 1 - (psi01 + psi10 + psi11) # 54/175
In R
, we could use
a <- matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,0,-0.1,0.9,0.4,1,0.4),ncol=3,byrow=T)
b <- matrix(c(0.6,0,0.4),ncol=1)
## 0.46285714
## 0.20571429
## 0.02285714
We then obtain the marginal occupancy probabilities:
psiS1 <- psi10 + psi11
psiS2 <- psi01 + psi11
Now we're ready to simulate data from a multivariate Bernoulli (check out ?RMultBinary
and ?ObtainMultBinaryDist
First, we calculate the odds ratios:
or <- matrix(c(1, (psiS1*(1-psiS2))/(psiS2*(1-psiS1)),
(psiS2*(1-psiS1))/(psiS1*(1-psiS2)), 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(or) <- colnames(or) <- c("sp1", "sp2")
Then the marginal probabilities:
marg.probs <- c(psiS1, psiS2)
And we estimate the joint probability:
p.joint <- ObtainMultBinaryDist(odds = or, marg.probs = marg.probs)
At last, we generate
z <- RMultBinary(n = N, mult.bin.dist = p.joint)$binary.sequences
Now we add on top the observation. First, we fix the detection probability for each species:
ps <- c(0.5,0.9)
Then we generate the detection and non-detections for each species, which we store in a list:
y <- list()
for (i in 1:S){
y[[i]] <- matrix(NA,N,J)
for (j in 1:N){
for (k in 1:J){
y[[i]][j,k] <- rbinom(1,1,z[j,i]*ps[i])
names(y) <- c('sp1','sp2')
Now let us fit a 2-species static occupancy model to the data we have simulated. We need to load the package unmarked
We format the data as required:
data <- unmarkedFrameOccuMulti(y=y)
Let's have a look to the data:
## unmarkedFrame Object
## 500 sites
## 2 species: sp1 sp2
## Maximum number of observations per site: 5
## Mean number of observations per site:
## sp1: 5 sp2: 5
## Sites with at least one detection:
## sp1: 113 sp2: 238
## Tabulation of y observations:
## sp1:
## 0 1
## 2210 290
## sp2:
## 0 1
## 1425 1075
And in particular the detections and non-detections:
Now we specify the effects we would like to consider on the occupancy and detection probabilities. The thing is that the function occuMulti
doesn't work directly on the occupancy probabilities but on the so-called natural parameters (in that specific order):
that is:
occFormulas <- c('~1','~1','~1')
To specify the effects on detection, there is no difficulty:
detFormulas <- c('~1','~1')
We fit a model with constant natural parameters and constant detection probabilities
fit <- occuMulti(detFormulas,occFormulas,data)
Display the result:
## Call:
## occuMulti(detformulas = detFormulas, stateformulas = occFormulas,
## data = data)
## Occupancy:
## Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
## [sp1] (Intercept) -0.8862 0.139 -6.355 2.09e-10
## [sp2] (Intercept) 0.0636 0.103 0.619 5.36e-01
## [sp1:sp2] (Intercept) -0.7042 0.225 -3.136 1.71e-03
## Detection:
## Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
## [sp1] (Intercept) -0.0132 0.0906 -0.146 8.84e-01
## [sp2] (Intercept) 2.2351 0.0981 22.777 7.72e-115
## AIC: 2758.236
Get the natural parameter and detection estimates:
mle <- fit@opt$par
names(mle) <- c('f1','f2','f12','lp1','lp2')
Get the occupancy estimates:
den <- 1 + exp(mle['f1'])+exp(mle['f2'])+exp(mle['f1']+mle['f2']+mle['f12'])
psi11hat <- exp(mle['f1']+mle['f2']+mle['f12'])/den
psi10hat <- exp(mle['f1'])/den
psi01hat <- exp(mle['f2'])/den
I do it by hand to understand how unmarked
works. The easy way is to use predict(fit,'state')
Get the detection estimates:
p1hat <- plogis(mle['lp1'])
p2hat <- plogis(mle['lp2'])
Again I do it by hand, but unmarked
can do it for you with predict(fit,'det')
Now compare the parameters we used to simulate the data (left column) to the parameter estimates (right column)
res <- data.frame(real = c(psiS1,
estim = c(psi10hat+psi11hat,
rownames(res) <- c('marginal_occ1','marginal_occ2','psi01','psi10','psi11','det1','det2')
## real estim
## marginal_occ1 0.22857143 0.23354481
## marginal_occ2 0.48571429 0.47600454
## psi01 0.46285714 0.39540621
## psi10 0.20571429 0.15294648
## psi11 0.02285714 0.08059832
## det1 0.50000000 0.49669782
## det2 0.90000000 0.90335332
If you just want to get the parameter estimates directly:
# detection
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.4966978 0.02264026 0.4523237 0.5410719
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.9033533 0.008567074 0.8865622 0.9201445
# marginal occupancy
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.2335448 0.02867384 0.1867353 0.2919506
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.4760045 0.0268335 0.4320817 0.5302099
# conditional occupancy
predict(fit,'state',species=1,cond='sp2')[1,] # species 1 | species 2 present
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.1693226 0.03534907 0.1130592 0.2308998
predict(fit,'state',species=1,cond='-sp2')[1,] # species 1 | species 2 absent
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.2918851 0.02951294 0.2430333 0.3499646
predict(fit,'state',species=2,cond='sp1')[1,] # species 2 | species 1 present
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.3451086 0.05456903 0.2511465 0.4491831
predict(fit,'state',species=2,cond='-sp1')[1,] # species 2 | species 1 absent
## Bootstrapping confidence intervals with 100 samples
## Predicted SE lower upper
## 1 0.5158895 0.02033788 0.4754084 0.5544719
## R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.4
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/C/fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] unmarked_0.13-2 Rcpp_1.0.4 lattice_0.20-38
## [4] mipfp_3.2.1 numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 Rsolnp_1.16
## [7] cmm_0.12
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] codetools_0.2-16 digest_0.6.25 MASS_7.3-51.4 truncnorm_1.0-8
## [5] plyr_1.8.6 grid_3.6.2 magrittr_1.5 evaluate_0.14
## [9] rlang_0.4.5 stringi_1.4.6 sp_1.4-1 raster_3.0-12
## [13] Matrix_1.2-18 rmarkdown_2.1 tools_3.6.2 stringr_1.4.0
## [17] xfun_0.12 yaml_2.2.1 compiler_3.6.2 htmltools_0.4.0
## [21] knitr_1.28