In this project we have created e-commercial site's RESTful back-end APIs using Django REST framework.
We have used following concepts of Django & DRF to complete this project:
- Serializer
- API views
- Django filters - filtering back ends
- Pagination, search, listing & custom query etc.
- Routers with viewsets
- Executing CRUD operations
- Managing serializer fields
- Testing API views
- data-driven web experiences
To setup the project:
$ git clone
$ cd django-RESTful-web-apis
$ vrtualenv -p python3.6 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
<.venv>$ pip install -r requirements.txt
<.venv>$ python runserver
Now you can check various apis on http://localhost:8000
To run it on '', you might be required to add this host in file ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] or do ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] .