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i18n content module for Yii2 framework

yii2-i18ncontent is yii2 module for creating several types of contents in different languages. It support creating the following contents:

  • Translatable article categories and articles
  • Translatable Pages
  • Carousels with translatable caption texts
  • Translatable portions of text.
  • Menu contents (Non translatable yet)


  1. Run composer require omcrn/yii2-i18ncontent or add "omcrn/yii2-i18ncontent": "~2.0.0" in your projects composer.json.
  2. Make sure you have user table in your database with primary key id.
  3. Run migrations to create tables by php console/yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/i18n/migrations from projects root directory
  4. Run migrations to create tables by php console/yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/omcrn/yii2-i18ncontent/migrations from projects root directory


Add the following code in projects configuration file under modules section

'i18ncontent' => [
    'class' => 'centigen\i18ncontent\Module',
    'defaultLayout' => '/admin', //Default layout which will be used for rendering i18ncontent pages

Add the following code in project's configuration file under components section

"i18n" => [
    "translations" => [
        'i18ncontent' => [
            'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
            'basePath' => '@vendor/omcrn/yii2-i18ncontent/messages',
'formatter' => [
    'class' => 'centigen\base\i18n\Formatter'
'i18ncontent' => [
    'class' => 'centigen\i18ncontent\I18nContent',
    'userClass' => 'common\models\User', //User model class. If you do not have user model, generate it from user table. Make sure this models extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord class
    'mediaUrlPrefix' => null, //In texts which may contain <img> or other media object tags (texts which come from WYSIWYG editors)
                             // `$mediaUrlPrefix` strings are replaced with `$mediaUrlReplacement` string when calling `Html::encodeMediaItemUrls`
                             // and vice versa when calling `Html::decodeMediaItemUrls`
    'mediaUrlReplacement' => '{{media_item_url_prefix}}' //See `$mediaUrlPrefix`

Add availableLocales array to application configuration params array.

For each language listed here tab will be displayed to provide content.

'params' => [
    'availableLocales' => [
        'en-US' => 'English',
        'ru-RU' => 'Русский'

Urls for administration

Append the following urls to the domain to see administration pages

Content Url
Article categories i18ncontent/article-category/index
Articles i18ncontent/article/index
Pages i18ncontent/page/index
Text widgets i18ncontent/widget-text/index
Carousels i18ncontent/widget-carousel/index
Menus i18ncontent/widget-menu/index