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OMERO R Gateway

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R wrapper around the OMERO Java Gateway, to enable access to OMERO via R using rJava.




Need additionally:

Install the romero.gateway R package

Download the latest romero.gateway version which is compatible with your OMERO server version from the Release page

OMERO version romero.gateway version
5.6, 5.5 >= 0.4.8
5.5 0.4.7
5.4 <= 0.4.7


Download the zip package.

In RStudio "Install Packages" use option "Install from:" "Package Archive File" and select the romero.gateway zip file.

Alternatively: In R console run install.packages("", repos = NULL)

See Tips for Windows users section if you are running into difficulties.

Unix / OSX

Download the tar.gz package.

In RStudio "Install Packages" use option "Install from:" "Package Archive File" and select the romero.gateway tar.gz file.

Alternatively: In R console run install.packages("", type='source', repos = NULL)

See Tips for Unix users section if you are running into difficulties.

Docker / Jupyter

With Docker and Jupyter there is a quick and easy way to get an R OMERO enviroment set up and running in your browser. Ideal to quickly try out some snippets. Go to jupyter directory and see the instructions there.


  • Like any other R package load the package library(romero.gateway)
  • Try some examples from the examples directory
  • Another potential source of examples is the unit tests directory: tests/testthat

Build from source

install.R script

This allows you to install a custom version or build from a custom branch.

Use the install.R script:

  curl -o install.R 
  Rscript install.R

This will build and install the current master branch by default. But you can specify a particular branch or version to build or perform a local build of the cloned repository. Run Rscript install.R --help to see more details.


  • Clone this Github repository git clone
  • Cd into the directory and start R console cd rOMERO-gateway R
  • Load devtools library library(devtools)
  • Build the package devtools::build()

Unit tests

  • Install testthat
  • Spin up an OMERO server to test against
  • Adjust and run test-data script to populate the test server
  • Adjust setup.csv to match your test server setup (mostly etc; the various ids should be ok if you used the test-data script to populate the server)
  • Run devtools::test()

Troubleshooting rJava

The latest R/rJava packages usually don't cause any problems. But older versions have been known for troubles. In these cases try this:

Unix users

Installing rJava

Before installing the rJava package you probably have to set up Java for R first:

# as root
export $JAVA_HOME=[path to JDK/JRE]
R CMD javareconf

Additional dependencies

In order to build/install some necessary R packages, additional system libraries may have to be installed first. E.g. the R packages httr and xml2 need the development libraries for curl and xml2, so for example on a Debian system you probably have to install libcurl4-dev and libxml2-dev first. If you can't install an R package due to compile errors, most likely you are missing a development package of some dependent library on your system.

Windows users

Installing rJava

You need to have a Java SDK installed. Latest version which is supported is 11. Download for example the Adopt OpenJDK 11 from

Make sure that the java executable is on your Path and JAVA_HOME is set, see 'Environment Variables' settings: Environment Variables

Then install rJava as well as the additional dependencies for the R gateway httr and jpeg from CRAN. Finally install the romero-gateway from the zip file.