Multiple Pairwise Comparisons (Post Hoc) Tests in Python
A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc.
Python code accompanying the course "A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro)"
Source code for the book, Math for Programmers
A cross-platform, and standalone tool to prevent all of your hard drives from entering auto-sleep mode.
Over 200 figures and diagrams of the most popular deep learning architectures and layers FREE TO USE in your blog posts, slides, presentations, or papers.
This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
Heart Sound Segmentation And Classification | Kaggle Competition
The open source initiative for anonymized, elite-level athletic motion capture data. Run by Driveline Baseball.
Code repository for the book 'Machine Learning in Python for Process Systems Engineering'
Source code for the course Qt For Python (PySide6) GUI For Beginners : The Fundamentals on udemy
A library of different algorithms for Classification of EMG Signal using Python & Scikit Learn
An introduction to the practicing neuroscientist to data analysis in Python
Master the fundamentals of machine learning, deep learning, and mathematical optimization by building key concepts and models from scratch using Python.
Sparse Estimation with Math and Python, Springer
Script for installing the Linux CAPT Printer Driver for Canon LBP printers on Ubuntu (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
Python code and data to the manuscript "Hands-on Signal Analysis with Python"
Fast data visualization and GUI tools for scientific / engineering applications
Variable Inspector extension for Jupyterlab
Jupyter Notebooks for Digital Signal Processing
How to do Bayesian statistical modelling using numpy and PyMC3