This repository keeps the AWS Cloudformation template, support scripts and Sample Amazon Connect Flows that will get an Amazon Connect Instance integrate directly with OCP miniApps in a matter of minutes. The guide and templates assume the user has an Amazon account and an Amazon Connect instance already set up.
For more information and a step by step guide please download the Integration Guide.
To run the AWS CloudFormation template using the AWS CLI, you can use the parameters json included in the Templates folder as a template. Change your parameter values as desired. You can see an example usage below:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name omiliastack \
--template-body file:///path_to_your_repoitory/Templates/omilia_amazon_connect.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--parameters file:///path_to_your_repository/Templates/parameters.json
To add your OCP acquired numbers to your integration with Amazon Connect, there's a simple python CLI script that helps doing just that. Provide the URL created by your API Gateway and the API Key you created and the numbers as parameters, space separated as per the example below:
python -u your_url_goes_here -k your_api_key_goes_here --numbers +13304708019 +17276084253 +18133950034 +18172038783 +19546211639