Generator that provides a basic setup for a Node project with Express and Typescript.
First, install Yeoman and Generator-NExT using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-next
Then generate your new project:
yo next <project-name>
All files will be created inside the directory ./<project-name>
(relative to your current position).
Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
- Gulp
- ... check the gulpfile.js in generators/app/templates for all used plugins
Check here for available releases.
Release strategy
For versions 0.x.x, additional features and best practices will be added to the extended sub-generator.
yo next:extended <project-name>
However, they will all be included in the resulting schaffolding, so you have to delete the stuff you don't
want to keep manually.
In releases >1.x.x, all features will be selectable during the setup process and cross-compatibility will be ensured
for all combinations.
Version 0.5.x: Implement sub generator which adds rxjs
Version 0.6.x: Implement sub generator which adds mongoose
Version 0.7.x: Implement sub generator which adds pug
Version 1.x.x: Combine all sub generators combined depending on the user's responses.
In discussion:
- Add build task to generate windows executable
- Add generator (option) which creates systemd init scripts to run server as service on *nix distributions