A JavaScript Library to interface with the Omneo API.
To get started with the Omneo SDK, follow the instructions below:
Omneo SDK is available as an npm package:
// npm
npm install @omneo/omneo-sdk
// yarn
yarn add @omneo/omneo-sdk
<script type="module">
import { Omneo, ID } from 'https://unpkg.com/@omneo/[email protected]/dist/index.js'; // replace version as needed
async function run () {
const IDClient = new ID({ tenant: 'sandbox', IDToken: 'YOUR TOKEN', config: {}})
console.log(await IDClient.profiles.get())
All requests to the Omneo API must be authenticated with an OAuth2 bearer token. Please review the Authentication Docs to learn more.
import with ES6 like this:
import { Omneo } from '@omneo/omneo-sdk'
const client = new Omneo({
token: 'Your token',
tenant: 'Your omneo tenant'
Using Profiles
You can make calls manually to omneo using the call
All API functions in this SDK use this method to call the API.
This will cover any new API functionality not yet supported by the SDK.
Make your own custom authenticated request like the below:
method: 'post',
endpoint: '/profiles',
body: { first_name: 'test', last_name: 'test', email: '[email protected]' }
This repo requires specific commit formatting (Angular) to automate the deployment and versioning. Refer to the Angular commit message formatting guidelines here
The easest way to get started is to use the sample.ts file You can modify this file and add any additional calls to the SDK, including any changes you've made. This is the quickest way to start with development
Modify sample.ts and run:
npm run sample.ts
Alternitively, you can link the SDK repo to your own external projects with NPM below. This is useful if you'd like to test the SDK in a specific scenareo.
npm link:
run npm link in your local copy of this repo's directory
run npm link <"path to this repo"> first in your consuming app's directory
To include your local version of the omneo SDK in your project, and have it hot reload when changes are made to any SDK files you can include the below in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@omneo/omneo-sdk": "file:../omneo-sdk", // Reference to your local version of the omneo-sdk
Following this run npm run watch
in your omneo-sdk directory, to automatically rebuild on changes.