The React component-library-react project template
Clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:omni-door/tpl-component-library-react.git
Install with npm:
npm install @omni-door/tpl-component-library-react
Install with Yarn:
yarn add @omni-door/tpl-component-library-react
folder | file |
babel | babel.config.js |
bisheng | bisheng.config.js & posts/ |
commitlint | commitlint.config.js |
docz | .doczrc.js & gatsby-config.js |
eslint | .eslintrc.js |
ignore | .eslintignore & .gitignore & .npmignore & .prettierignore |
jest | jest.config.js |
new | the standard templates for omni new command |
omni | omni.config.js |
package | package.json |
prettier | prettier.config.js |
readme | |
source | the standard templates in src folder |
storybook | .storybook/config.js & .storybook/addons.js & .storybook/manager-head.html & .storybook/webpack.config.js |
styleguidist | styleguide.config.js |
stylelint | stylelint.config.js |
tsconfig | tsconfig.json |